The miracle of barf

By EvictingItSoon - 08/03/2020 23:07

Today, what I thought was food poisoning is actually a baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 769
You deserved it 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXPikachuXx 21

OP's name makes this so much better.

P DarklyKira 14

OH I just understood. Good luck with whatever you wanna do with it


xXPikachuXx 21

OP's name makes this so much better.

Congrats, love. Even if not planned, God has blessed you. You will be loved.

Dude... it’s biology not a miracle. “God” had nothing to do with it. Let’s leave the Bronze Age behind, can we?

even if you don't believe in religion why be an asshole about it? let people think what they want to think as long as they're not hurting anyone. if someone says something you don't like just move on. you're literally no better if your default reaction is to condescendingly belittle someone who genuinely believes they're saying doing something nice...

Do you mean a fetus? I've seen lots of babies, and while some are headaches, none of them compare to food poisoning.

Alai 14

Was jeffrey dahmer your chef last night ? chunks of baby must have been awkward to throwup

you are gonna WISH it was food poisoning... #JustSayin'

P DarklyKira 14

OH I just understood. Good luck with whatever you wanna do with it

Itsheragain 9

that escalated so dam fast

A few years ago, there was this really bad stomach flu going around my place of work. Every one of us got it, and it lasted a couple of days. When my coworker ended up being sick for a week, she finally realized she didn’t have it. She had morning sickness.

I'd have thought you'd remember eating that.

WistayShlaio82 13