By eeeee - 14/06/2012 20:40 - United States

Today, my morning sickness was so bad that I threw up everywhere, just from thinking about the pretend meal that a kid had made for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 436
You deserved it 2 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look on the bright side, in a couple of months you'll have a beautiful baby and you'll have forgotten all about the morning sickness you had!

Drew167 8

The good thing is baby's are a blessing so congrats and hopefully it goes away soon!(:


Look on the bright side, in a couple of months you'll have a beautiful baby and you'll have forgotten all about the morning sickness you had!

perdix 29

…and post-partum depression, maybe even psychosis.

Dripping boobs down to your knees Sleep deprecation Flatulence issues.... Oh wait.... That's probably just me

the_anti_hipster 7

Screaming baby, no sleep, spit up in the hair, 37 changes of clothes per day, no sex, knee-deep in toys that sound like Chucky...ah, parenthood. gotta love it.

perdix 29

#14, you sound hawt! I like the way you deprecate sleep. In what version of your OS are you getting rid of sleep? I just met you and this is crazy But here's my nickname. PM me maybe!

See this is what happens when u survive on three hours of sleep... I have turned into Chuckies illiterate mother Sob

You never forget being that sick. I had three boys and was terribly sick with each pregnancy the whole dang time. My heart how out to you, hon, and I hope the sick feeling goes away soon.

*goes out to you, not how out to you. Dang autocorrect and dang thumbs that are faster than my eyes.

Zofran! It desolves under your tongue so you don't have to worry about swallowing anything while feeling so nauseous. That's the number 1 recommended medication for vomiting. You also can choose from Phenergan, Reglan, Kytril, or Emend. However those all, except Zofran, have serious side effects if you don't easily tolerate medications. Congratulations on bringing a beautiful baby into this world! It'll all be worth it :).

lexxiii 17

I guess a game of kitchen is out of the question from now on.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I've never been pregnant before (thank God, I'm 17) but this is part of why I don't want to :/

luckyd880 12

Well that's one less play date friend for the new baby...

I know I'm probably about to be thumbed down but I gotta say #2 eye effect on the your picture is awesome!

Drew167 8

The good thing is baby's are a blessing so congrats and hopefully it goes away soon!(:

*babies But I agree, the miracle of creating life is a wonderful thing!

erikablake 3
kirstyndwatson 0

I agree too:) babies are wonderful:)

Hopefully the morning sickness passes. It's the worst.

Especially when it starts to go only at 25 weeks. I'm 30 now and I still get it occasionally.

Barfing seems like it isn't so bad when you think about it... Then it happens. Worst feeling ever.

weird thing is, don't you feel better for some reason after you puke? like just not as shitty? maybe that's just me…

the_anti_hipster 7

Yeah, except for morning sickness. In which case you throw up, lay back down, throw up again, sip Gatorade, throw up again, eat crackers, puke a bit more, and repeat for 6 weeks. Yay!

6 weeks? Whoever has it for six weeks is lucky! I had it the from week 4 to about 3 weeks before I had her from when I woke up until 7 in the evening. Horrible!!!

g0ldenb0nes 6

I sure hope you didn't throw up on the child.

For some reason I laughed when I thought about OP puking on a child. I am so going to hell. It's this site's fault I tell ya! They corrupted me!

P.S. OP I hope the morning sickness goes away before the pregnancy comes to a head. Nine months of puking on children cannot be fun.

13- It can be as fun as you make it... Make a game out of it. *double-kill!*

mariah_victoria 0

Brunettes are the prettiest? :D SCORE

Haha. It's just my personal preference. Each to their own I guess.

Jessj958 19

When I was pregnant with my second son, I had THE worse morning sickness...well more like all day sickness! I'm sure you have explored this option, but your DR can prescribe something to help. Hope it gets better soon!

Here4theshow 17

Did you throw up on the imaginary meal?

perdix 29

Was the kid also a figment of your imagination?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

28) You should probably get those hallucinations checked out ;)

it will all be worth it after you have your little gift from God :)