The blame game

By Anonymous - 18/02/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, I got bad food poisoning. Again. The first time I thought it was the stomach bug that’s going around, so once I felt better, I proceeded to eat leftover food that actually got me sick the first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 161
You deserved it 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You learned this rule the hard way - if anyone gets the explosive *****, dump the leftovers just to be safe.

I had kidney stones last year and ended up with so much abdominal pain and vomiting that it took me 6 months to even want to eat what I had for dinner that night again. My bf ended up eating the dinner leftovers from that night because I just couldn't stomach the idea of eating it after that. If he didn't have them, I definitely would've thrown them out cuz there was zero chance of me eating them after that awful night.


You learned this rule the hard way - if anyone gets the explosive *****, dump the leftovers just to be safe.

I had kidney stones last year and ended up with so much abdominal pain and vomiting that it took me 6 months to even want to eat what I had for dinner that night again. My bf ended up eating the dinner leftovers from that night because I just couldn't stomach the idea of eating it after that. If he didn't have them, I definitely would've thrown them out cuz there was zero chance of me eating them after that awful night.