By full of losses - 29/07/2018 13:00 - United States

Today, the day after my grandfather's funeral, my grandmother informed me I have 30 days to move out. I've been living with them for four years, helping take care of my sick grandfather. She's already changed the locks and won't unlock the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 543
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let her know not to expect you to come back to take care of her when she needs help.

Wow, that’s some mighty ingratitude!


Let her know not to expect you to come back to take care of her when she needs help.

That's just nasty. OP probably someone without a job and a place to stay, so it was convenient to move in with an excuse. Now that the excuse isn't there anymore, she's acting like a true parent and kicking out the bird to go survive the world without their protection. Strongest will survive.

then you should leave your parents basement

Wow, that’s some mighty ingratitude!

There seems to be no shortage of ****** up dysfunctional families on FML.

Well, depending on how hard you want to fight it and where you are located you could probably make her life difficult. Don't know if you are a vindictive sort but her changing the locks before you move is illegal and you can call the cops about it if you have proof that you live there. She has to give you a written 30 day notice and even then you could drag your feet to the point that she has to take it to court (but if you lose it will be on your record.) Either way she is an ungrateful old bat and I am sorry she's acting that way.

It’s her grandson. They probably didn’t have a rental agreement.

julfunky 29

You don’t need a rental agreement. After living there for a certain amount of time it’s unofficial agreement and they need to give a 30-day notice. It may or may not be the case where they live but some places have this law.

julfunky 29

You don’t need a rental agreement. After living there for a certain amount of time it’s unofficial agreement and they need to give a 30-day notice. It may or may not be the case where they live but some places have this law.

She can't legally do that call the police and go get ur stuff.sorry for your loss

Tell her you’re going to wait until the 30th day, hoping she’ll die first

thatslifeiguess7 16

Looks like Granny can’t count to 30!

They call baby boomers the ‘Sociopathic Generation’ for a reason. They’re ******* horrible

ViviMage 38

In my state, Delaware, you cannot force someone to move out by changing the locks, it's illegal due to tenant law. And I need a written notice for 60 days and if it's delivered to me past the 5th day of the month, that current month doesn't count and 60 days starts on the next month. I also need 90 days notice if any part of my rental space is not to be accessible to me anymore. Check your local laws on how you can legally be evicted, call the cops if you have to, and if Grandma needs help in her time of need she'll remember this because you won't be her live in caretaker.