By elrjay - 20/06/2017 02:00 - Spain - Madrid

Today, I'm laying in my holiday apartment with the patio doors open, listening to the german man next door take dirty pics of his wife on the balcony. I'm too scared to get up and shut the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 055
You deserved it 1 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG, so funny. Just get up and shut it. Grow up lol

What will they do? I'm guessing they are already comfortable with people seeing. You know what would be really funny - paper planes flying out your balcony door while they're doing the shoot.


OMG, so funny. Just get up and shut it. Grow up lol

sunshine1421 14

they want you to see them... suck it up maybe youll enjoy it

"Ooh yah, Helga! Now bite into that sausage!"

Winchesterbride 9

food my shit? nopes. how about versucht es gar nicht wenn ihr es ned könnt please

species4872 19

What will they do? I'm guessing they are already comfortable with people seeing. You know what would be really funny - paper planes flying out your balcony door while they're doing the shoot.

They're probably normal pictures. It's the German that makes them seem dirty -- it sounds like BSDM talk!

Start shouting encouragements to her. "work it! " "make love to the camera " "remember to smile with your eyes "

When I got to, "dirty pics", I reread the whole thing in Larry The Cable Guy's voice. "Got them dirty pictures on my phone..."

Winchesterbride 9

ah die deutschen. immer nackig trotzen.