By allisonpaige21 - 18/06/2015 22:31 - United States - Quitman

Today, I found out that my grandparents are going to take my car away and sell it because they're pissed I'm moving in with my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 453
You deserved it 5 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it is legally not your car unfortunately they can do that. It does seem rather childish of them.

rabbi1010 29

if your name is only one on the title they can't take and sell it.


It must be their car to be able to sell it, meaning they have a right to do with it as they please. If OP wants independence, it comes at a cost. Hiding the keys would only make OP look like a child. Suck it up OP and make your choice count.

Well if it's their car then it's their call. If she owned then it's a hole different story. But if we go by its her grandparents car then I agree. Suck it up and start walking or call your boyfriend to come pick you up.

IAmzephyr 22

depends on who's name is on the deed. if it's OP's name, the grandparents cannot do that. it's impossible. if it's the grandparent's name, OP can't do anything

Take away their car and tell them they're grounded

They want some of that boyfriend action

But they don't want OP to be getting any.

Grandma is probably jealous of that bangin hot boyfriend she has ;)

IAmzephyr 22

idk, maybe because it wasn't adding to the conversation. a simple 'your life sucks' vote says the same thing, really

AnOriginalName 19

Well who's the one paying for insurance, registration, maintenance, and the car itself?

Doesn't matter who's paying for everything, all that matters is who is the registered owner on the title.

And I doubt it is op or they would get in tremendous trouble for selling it

1jordan1 11

Legally yes, that's all that matters. But if you're the one working to pay for the car I don't think it's fair that you don't have rights to it. I'd say they need to stop paying for it. Personally I don't feel if your grandparents are paying for your car that you are responsible enough to move in with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

It really doesn't matter if it's fair or not. They are selling it anyway because they can. If OP wanted to keep the car, she should've gotten it in her own name. I feel bad for her and don't believe she deserves it, but there are consequences for every action.

rabbi1010 29

if your name is only one on the title they can't take and sell it.

Beyto7000 20

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Yea it is they where raised inn a time when girls did not move in with a guy unless they where married you can't blame them for going by what they are use to

If it is legally not your car unfortunately they can do that. It does seem rather childish of them.

NotGabe 28

They seem like traditional, old grandparents who think it's a sin to move in with a romantic partner prior to marriage. Keh.

If it's their car then they have every right to. Maybe you shouldn't move out until you can afford a car.

pedrocarter 5

Throw the keys off a bridge. Say your dog ate them. Hopefully they don't try and have them surgically removed.

tantanpanda 26

I think the dog would get an x-ray before they would perform a surgery. Who would cut open a dog before knowing the location of the keys?

But then OP still doesnt have a car, and has to pay for an xray.