How ungrateful of her

By Anonymous - 13/01/2023 18:00

Today, after moving hundreds of miles to take care of my beloved grandmother and working like mad for a week to make the house cozy and accessible for her, it was finally time to bring her home. Or it would have been, if she hadn’t died in her sleep last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 464
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if you never ended up bringing her home, I’m sure your grandmother appreciated that you tried to. I’m very sorry for your loss.

You have my sympathies. It’s never easy to lose a beloved relative and you wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble if you didn’t care deeply for them. At first you may feel numb by the news, and then it will probably hurt, followed by acceptance - At least that’s been my reaction to the loss of grandparents and my Dad (not all at the same time)… Everyone has different speeds to their grieving process and feels somewhat differently so my experiences aren’t necessarily a “guide” but eventually most people work their way through that process… I assume your grandparent was old and had led a full life. Know that you will always treasure the memories you have of them. Thats one way that our deceased relatives go on in this world… Finally, don’t make any important decisions about “what is next” in your own life right away as it’s not the best time for that with so many other feelings and thoughts in your heart. I hope that your grandparent left a will or anything in writing as to how things are to be settled after their passing. Without that, if there are multiple potential heirs it can get unpleasant.


You have my sympathies. It’s never easy to lose a beloved relative and you wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble if you didn’t care deeply for them. At first you may feel numb by the news, and then it will probably hurt, followed by acceptance - At least that’s been my reaction to the loss of grandparents and my Dad (not all at the same time)… Everyone has different speeds to their grieving process and feels somewhat differently so my experiences aren’t necessarily a “guide” but eventually most people work their way through that process… I assume your grandparent was old and had led a full life. Know that you will always treasure the memories you have of them. Thats one way that our deceased relatives go on in this world… Finally, don’t make any important decisions about “what is next” in your own life right away as it’s not the best time for that with so many other feelings and thoughts in your heart. I hope that your grandparent left a will or anything in writing as to how things are to be settled after their passing. Without that, if there are multiple potential heirs it can get unpleasant.

Even if you never ended up bringing her home, I’m sure your grandmother appreciated that you tried to. I’m very sorry for your loss.

so sorry for your loss. all those people that voted negative are gonna burn in hell.....

Hey, at least you've inherited a nice cozy home. I hope so. It'd suck if she willed it to some relative who didn't give a shit who promptly evicts you.

I think the headline the moderators gave to this FML is really insensitive. Not always writing a snark remark is the right thing to do. Sorry OP for your loss.