By Anonymous - 31/03/2016 13:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home from work to find my grandmother in my living room, demanding to know where I'd been all day. I'm 22 and live by myself. She stole my mother's emergency key to get in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 025
You deserved it 1 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ourtneyc 14

Wow, your grandma needs to learn about boundaries


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Except when she's not. And considering she stole a key and broke into his place, I'd say she's definitely not welcome. Also, if he doesn't want his grandmother (or any other relative) in his place, that's his right.

She is always welcome as long as she give a heads up that she is coming. I would be pretty pissed if someone goes in my house with out knowing it

#1 I get what you're saying, my grandmother has been gone for 15 years so if I walked into my house and I saw her standing there, after I had the heart attack that this would definitely cause, I wouldn't mind how she got in and would spend the day answering whatever questions she wanted to ask. However, in normal everyday situations I would probably be pretty upset with any family member who 1, stole my emergency key from my mother for something that was not an emergency and 2, for not respecting me, my home, and my privacy enough to not call and make sure that this would be okay for them to do. To me it sounds like that's exactly what the problem is for OP, not the fact that the grandmother came to visit. OP, good luck with your grandmother and her boundary issues. Maybe you should also mention to your mother that she should find a more challenging hiding spot for your emergency key.

but wouldn't his mom have to get another key and if she does get another key his grandma can just steal that one.

that's just creepy. I love my grandmother and she's a sweetheart but if she did that to me I'd be weirded out!!

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saxaddict122 14

I missed the part where OP said it was his birthday... Trespassing is trespassing. Grandmother or not, she shouldn't have invited herself over, especially not without asking.

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Just cause she is your grandmother doesn't give her the privilege to do what ever she wants. There is still this thing called privacy

^i think this was meant to be sarcastic, man

I'd like to ask how she got the emergency keys to break in.

Literally says in the FML that she got it from the mother.

I think they were asking what story / reason the grandma gave the mom to get the key.

I meant that as payback for what the grandma said to him.

She probably had an abundance of food waiting for you to make sure you didn't go hungry though...

ourtneyc 14

Wow, your grandma needs to learn about boundaries

madethis2comment 5

Does she have dementia or early stages of Alzheimer's? This wouldn't be unusual behavior if she did.

saxaddict122 14

If she does, I'd be even more worried because she walked/drove herself to his house....

These are the first signs! Start labelling and claiming her valuable posessions!

saxaddict122 14

Oh yeah, I forgot about those increasingly-popular first come first serve wills. Asshole...

That's how my dad's doing it. My brother and I agreed that I get the computer and he gets everything else

You want to inherit a computer? It'd lose value and functionality quicker than anything else. Pick something else to inherit.