The cupcake incident

By kandi - 04/05/2009 07:34 - Philippines

Today, while at the bakeshop, I got bored waiting in line so I rested on the glass protecting the cupcakes. Turns out there was no glass. I had to pay $50 to cover all the mess and had to walk out of the bakeshop with icing all over my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 449
You deserved it 79 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you sit on a glass case protecting cupcakes? what if someone wants to look at the cupcakes? what if the glass breaks? you should have sucked it up... but maybe i just overthink the consequences of my actions too much i donno. anyway its kind of silly.. i wonder what it feels like to squish a bunch of cupcakes with my bottom?

YDI for trying to sit on a glass case


Wow, okay. You definately deserve that. :P FYL though.. I bet there were a lot of people laughing at you.

why the hell did ya wanne sit on glass youd have a bigger problem if thr glass breaks thid isnt that much of a FML i mean there could br glass in your ass righr now tbh you got lucky

fyl cuz it at a bakery where the cupcakes r put in the open that's gross..

22cute 17

i would have laughed too!op must be a bit...slown

manyourlifesucks 0

Omg i saw you commenting earlier and your pic makes me want to throw my ipod. Please just change it to something stupid like mine.

Embarrassing, but hey next time make sure there's glass?

suaveneanderthal 0

I sure hope you have a kinky girlfriend/boyfriend to go home too! :)

BigMac_fml 0

I wish I could've been there to see this, cause that's ******* hysterical!

YDI for trying to sit on a glass case

why would you sit on a glass case protecting cupcakes? what if someone wants to look at the cupcakes? what if the glass breaks? you should have sucked it up... but maybe i just overthink the consequences of my actions too much i donno. anyway its kind of silly.. i wonder what it feels like to squish a bunch of cupcakes with my bottom?

HA! oh wow that is so awesome, I love it. Fell into a cup cake display! HA fantastic. I'm really amused right now, thats the best thing I've heard in ages. I'm imagining it right now. Wonderful. Great FML, well done.

All I can say is...what a dumb ass!

honeydoodles 0

It would have been worse if there was glass and you broke it...but that still is embarrassing!

Um, even if there was glass, you're still not supposed to sit on it.