That old chestnut

By foreveralone - 24/09/2012 23:12 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, I was trying to convince my flatmate to agree to let me get us a kitten. After gushing about how cute they are, and showing her loads of pictures, she just stared at me and said, "You really need a penis inside you now and again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 807
You deserved it 23 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheeseTron 15

Don't listen to her. More pussy is always the answer.


MistaKrista 8

I can't help but wonder why you're letting your flatmate control whether or not you can get an animal? Yes, you should ask each other before making huge decisions, but you contribute to the rent. It's just as much your place as it is theirs. As long as you maintain the cat (litter box, shots, etc) your flatmate should not dictate your decision.

Well you have to ask the other person. You can't just show up with the cat and say "Deal with it I pay rent" she does too. If she didn't want a cat then thy would have to settle on something else.

By getting a pet she makes use of a shared space. OP is doing the right thing by asking her flat mate permission, and her flat mate is well within her rights to refuse.

PYLrulz 17

34 - Read your second sentence. You've just answered your own question. Thank you.

MistaKrista 8

67- No, no. You misunderstand. I said she should ask their opinion; NOT let them make the decision for her. Instead of compromising on something, OP let their flatmate have complete control over what she could and could not have.

And that's how you know it's time to move out.

Iknowsomestuff 9

I know a woman who has a cat and sex. Just saying.

red225 14

Next time tell your flatmate that having a cat keeps evil away while going to the bathroom in the middle of the night

I did the same thing to my husband OP. and guess who has a cat now ;) she's a complete dick of a cat but she's super loving.

DomAce 4

Your roommate isn't wrong you know.

@26: It's so unfair that you got down voted just because you like kittens.