Thanks Jeffree Star

By whysoserious??? - 07/12/2022 12:00

Today, my girlfriend has become completely obsessed with YouTube makeup tutorials. She’s already beautiful and used to take 30 minutes tops to get ready. Now every time we leave the house, it’s some 2-hour paint session where she ends up looking like an unrecognizable fucking psychopath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 050
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

Oh! I see you’ve dated a Harley Quinn too! Great for halloween parties, not much the rest of the year…


Nix188 13

break her tv and phone and gas light her.

Tell her she looks like a clown. Either she'll dump you or jump your bones.

tiptoppc 19

Oh! I see you’ve dated a Harley Quinn too! Great for halloween parties, not much the rest of the year…