Self report

By Anonymous - 07/12/2022 10:00

Today, at work, I had to analyze timecards data and generate a report on the least billed / occupied people at work. I found myself at the bottom. I sent it to my boss too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they knew the likely results beforehand and wanted you to make that realization with the results.

Long, long ago I worked with a technician who had worked as a console operator at NASA during Apollo. He told me that he figured out how the connections for the console he manned could be added to another console so one position was eliminated. He thought it through and wrote up his suggestion. His supervisor was very pleased and they made the change and they even gave him a moderate monetary reward. And then they laid off the least senior technician - him. He knew this was going to happen because they went strictly by seniority and he was the last hired… I asked why he did that when he knew it would result in him getting laud off? His answer was that once he figured out that his position could be eliminated he felt that he was useless and that was not a good feeling. He found a new job (where he was working when I first met him) and didn’t seem bitter or upset… In the long run we need both a paycheck and validation from our job. Many people are only concerned about the paycheck. Having a job that gives you both a paycheck and validation is really what most of us want… Sooner or later if you are the least utilized person in the company (however that was measured) either your employer or you are going to figure that out. Though it also matters if this was a long term trend as many jobs have cycles when they are busy and some when they are less busy. While we all enjoy some slack time from time to time, filling the slack times with busywork is never very enjoyable for most people if it happens often… I commend you for your honesty in aparantly reporting yourself as under utilized. You might gain more duties and that might actually be a good thing, or as you probably fear, you might lose this job. I am hoping that your case results in more duties and that ultimately leads to good things. Or you might find another job that better unitizes your skills.


Maybe they knew the likely results beforehand and wanted you to make that realization with the results.

You should have fudged the data when you had it in your hands. You probably could have put yourself in the average range, and watch your fellow bottom-dwellers get axed while you get to scrape by.

Long, long ago I worked with a technician who had worked as a console operator at NASA during Apollo. He told me that he figured out how the connections for the console he manned could be added to another console so one position was eliminated. He thought it through and wrote up his suggestion. His supervisor was very pleased and they made the change and they even gave him a moderate monetary reward. And then they laid off the least senior technician - him. He knew this was going to happen because they went strictly by seniority and he was the last hired… I asked why he did that when he knew it would result in him getting laud off? His answer was that once he figured out that his position could be eliminated he felt that he was useless and that was not a good feeling. He found a new job (where he was working when I first met him) and didn’t seem bitter or upset… In the long run we need both a paycheck and validation from our job. Many people are only concerned about the paycheck. Having a job that gives you both a paycheck and validation is really what most of us want… Sooner or later if you are the least utilized person in the company (however that was measured) either your employer or you are going to figure that out. Though it also matters if this was a long term trend as many jobs have cycles when they are busy and some when they are less busy. While we all enjoy some slack time from time to time, filling the slack times with busywork is never very enjoyable for most people if it happens often… I commend you for your honesty in aparantly reporting yourself as under utilized. You might gain more duties and that might actually be a good thing, or as you probably fear, you might lose this job. I am hoping that your case results in more duties and that ultimately leads to good things. Or you might find another job that better unitizes your skills.