Thanks for the support

By Anonymous - 25/01/2022 11:01 - Canada - Cornwall

Today, after being bodyshamed by my mother for being too fat (I'm a size 14) and how I shouldn't be wearing shorts because it makes me look ugly and motivates people to comment on my body, I texted my boyfriend to tell him about it. His reply was, "Aww. you cutie. You know she's not wrong." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 231
You deserved it 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

he gotta go, and if you can cut ties with your mom, she's toxic af too. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this :/ if therapy is an available option then I'd highly recommend starting it


justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

he gotta go, and if you can cut ties with your mom, she's toxic af too. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this :/ if therapy is an available option then I'd highly recommend starting it

It doesn’t hurt to lose weight. It will increase your confidence as well.

Marcella1016 31

My other comment was meant to be a reply to this one. Oops.

Marcella1016 31

And lifespan. It’s great that you’re happy the way you are, but you’ll feel a lot better when you’re healthier. Don’t think of it as a looks thing - people are beautiful in all sizes - but it won’t hurt to have health and fitness goals. You’d be shocked at how much better you feel about yourself when you set some kind of physical or dietary goal and meet it. Bodyshaming you about wearing shorts was uncalled for, though. There are much, much healthier ways to motivate people. Try to set some boundaries with both her and your boyfriend (and no, don’t dump him unless he’s actually toxic or emotionally abusive. People are so quick to recommend that rather than talking through things or working on relationships).

Is telling someone that they're ugly and fat not toxic now? Did we miss all the classes on emotional and psychological abuse? Like, if this is the first time he's said something like this maaaaaybe I could see sitting down for a convo so he sees how not cool he's being, but I also wouldn't judge her for ditching that MF.

Mysterious_one 26

don't let this get into you .. people body shame for when they don't know how else to hurt you as for your bf ...tell him to GTFO

Would you prefer he lie to you? Size 14 means you have a 36 inch waist there's almost no way your BMI is in the healthy range. You shouldn't expect your friends and family to lie to you about your medical condition and self destructive life choices.

the two most important things are to be healthy and learn to love yourself. if losing weight will help you on that path, go for it! if dumping your bf and toxic af mother will help, do those too! I struggle with weight problems myself, and if you want to talk it out, I'll be here. :) you got this!