By Keldar - 19/08/2009 07:53 - United States

Today, at the gas station I work a lady called wanting to know the "password" and if I was okay. Thinking it was a prank I hung up. A couple of minutes later she called back, this time asking if I could see the cops outside and telling me I'd be alright. I saw four of 'em. I'd hit the silent alarm by accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 593
You deserved it 40 558

Same thing different taste

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haha that reminds me of when I accidentally called 911 when I was 7, and quickly hung up. the dispatcher called back, asked if I was ok and no matter how much I tried to explain it was a mistake, she said "sweetie there's an officer on the way to you. only open the door to a police officer in uniform..." like I was some helpless little girl. lol

jen11989 0

Lol something similar happened to my boyfriends aunt at her work. Only she didn't know what the button was for and no one answered her when she asked so she pushed it and got a call then realized the place was surrounded


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She didn't hit the alarm hanging up the phone - the call was from the alarm company because she had hit the alarm already.

noName123456 0

no they called because he hit it

Hi, I can make an unnecessary reply too.

Taconuggets 0

Y'all are all ******* retarded. They called the OP because she had hit the alarm earlier. She didn't hit it hanging up or anytime after. She hit it before the whole incident of calling occurred.

HAHAHA oh man that's pretty brutal. FYL indeed.

jen11989 0

Lol something similar happened to my boyfriends aunt at her work. Only she didn't know what the button was for and no one answered her when she asked so she pushed it and got a call then realized the place was surrounded

flighted 1

that sucks. but you don't press buttons at work that you don't know lol op that sucks, im guessing nobody told you what to do in case of a burglary? what a great workplace lol

GuessWhatKids 13

She didn't know what it was for so she pushed it?

GuessWhatKids 13

She didn't know what it was for so she pushed it?

One of my workers did that one day at BK, I didn't know he hadn't been fully trained in front counter and hadn't been shown what the panic button was under the counter until I noticed him hitting it like mad. I threw him away from the counter and asked wtf he was doing, then noticed a **** tonne of cops outside in cars/vans coming into our busy restaurant... Was quite a lot of cops for a small, Scottish city. I was impressed, humiliated, and wanted to die, so, so badly that day.

Shouldn't your higher-ups have told you the password and what would happen if you ever were in that sort of situation?

Achall91 17

It doesn't say that the OP wasn't aware that the button existed. She probably just hit it by accident. But I agree you shouldn't be able to bump into it without realizing it otherwise I'm sure incidents like this happen all the time.

OP obviously knew it was there and what it was used for seeing as once he saw the cops he figured out why some lady had called asking for a password, also aren't they usually put underneath the counter so if a burglar comes in you can easily press it? I doubt it would've been in a position where a box could accidentally set it off like on a wall or something.

Its supposed to go off at a bump? That way if the place is robbed the cachier can hit it lightly, like simply lean forwards so their stomach touches the counter. The small movement the robber wont notice or think anything of will have alerted the police

haha that reminds me of when I accidentally called 911 when I was 7, and quickly hung up. the dispatcher called back, asked if I was ok and no matter how much I tried to explain it was a mistake, she said "sweetie there's an officer on the way to you. only open the door to a police officer in uniform..." like I was some helpless little girl. lol

Paigggee 0

That happened to me too! I was like 13 and I butt dialed a speed number that called 911. And I was like "Dude I totally just butt dialed you I'm fine!" And he sent a cop to my house. I opened the door and was like "What the ****?" and the cop bugged me for like 10 minutes until he finally believed I was OK.

plutosaplanet 0

haha i tried to dial area code 912 at work and the 1 hit to quickly. i hung up before it rang but the cops called back and got someone else here who asked everyone who called the cops....oops

Evidently the cops have an alternate 911 number, and I was pressing buttons on my phone, and the cops came. He was there for like an hour

We had an exchange that was similar to 911. I think it was like 922. I dialed the whole number (like 922 1234), and when emergency ops answered, I realized I had dialed wrong, and they understood the mistake. Apparently it happened pretty regularly. I was pretty careful after that. My friend got a laugh out of it too. Now, when someone asks for my phone number, and I don't really want to tell them, I start with "Are you ready to write it down? It's area code nine [pause] one one, five two one ...." About half the people don't realize what I just told them, and they write it down anyways. Years ago, it was easy enough to know the area codes for various areas. Now in some areas, you can have several area codes covering a very small area. New York city has 5 area codes. There's something like 7 area codes for the Los Angeles area, and 17 for Southern California. I'm lucky to remember the few that call me on a regular basis. (5 locally, and 4 from another metro area). If someone tells you an area code, you just assume it is one. I lived in one area code, and then moved to another that was one digit off. (like 121 to 122), and kept my cell number because everyone in both locations new it. People were constantly refusing to believe my area code was the first, and would dial the second and get a "sorry, the number has been disconnected" message. No, really, if I tell you it's 121, dial 121. (those are example numbers). If I was Indian, I guess I could play this off a bit better. India's country code is "91" and there are a bunch of city codes that start with 1, so I believe it could be +(91)145-xxxxxx, which would be someone in Ajmer India. Then it would be just a matter of the person you're telling to know how to dial an International number. From the US that may be dialed 011 91 145 xxxxxx. :) I found a bunch of people complaining about 911 area code numbers calling them with a heavy accent. It's Indian call centers, not using a VoIP system to masquerade as being in the states.

How does OP deserve it when it was a mistake? Oh, right, people on this website are perfect and have never made a mistake in their life. OP didn't hit the silent alarm when he hung up, #1. It was bumped before. I am sure this happens at least once a year for every business, just something to expect with the button placement and the nature of some jobs. No one deserves it, no harm done.

that sucks! YDI for not being careful. also, shouldn't you know the password?

8, in no way does the OP deserve it. Accidents happen- hence why they're called accidents.

I dont understand this one that well. So they set off an alarm at there house by accident and police came to help? D;

you need to re-read that. it was at a gas station that they work at

thats why you read what other people say to see if they explained it moron