By Kristina - 18/02/2009 21:09 - United States

Today, I complimented my mom with "Hey, I think you lost some weight." She replied with "Yeah, I think you found it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 009
You deserved it 6 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my mom says stuff like that to me :/ that sucks dude.

I see you didn't inherit your mother's sense of humour.


my mom says stuff like that to me :/ that sucks dude.

my mom say stuff like that to me too.. she causes really bad things to happen in my life. she is one of the reasons my weight us horrible

victoria4161993 0

hahaha my mom thinks I'm anarexic she tries to feed me all the time and I'm not even hungry

OceanBreathesSal 5

Victoria, I know what you mean my dad calls me anorexic and bulimic every time I never finish my full serving of my dinner. it really makes me upset when he does. :(

reply with. "Yes, unfortunately you forgot to flush again after your last bm"

Wow. She must have been feeling particularly defensive that day.

lol #3. Seriously, that's lame. You were trying to be nice, obviously. That was an unnecessary response for her to give.

jzarrabi 0

thats rude stupid ass bitch! lol

hahahaha! my mom said this to my sister 2 years ago! fantastic. :)

i lol'd too your mum IS funny :) (and I will send this post to my mum .)

I see you didn't inherit your mother's sense of humour.