Thanks, dude

By unfortunate - 09/06/2009 23:12 - United States

Today, I was late to work and couldn't get my gas tank open. Panicking, I asked the only person around to help me who happened to be a very large man. He was able to open it for me and seemed really nice. That is until he pulled out a knife and robbed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 321
You deserved it 4 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glam_fml 0

That really sucks. What is this world coming to? And to everyone calling BS, the man probably wasn't planning on robbing the OP, but decided last second that it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I am really getting sick of seeing "fake!" on every single FML. This site is for your enjoyment, not to sit there and judge every FMLs plausability. It does not make you cool, and it makes the site less fun.

Ohhh shi-! Aren't there camera's? Where was everyone else that was around?


lucey15 0

wasnt his car there, call the cops and report his liscense plate...

Poxag 0

I'm sorry but that is just pure bullshit

CyclonePsycho 1

That's not a knife. Now this... this is a knife.

FunWriter20 0

That is scary. I've been really tempted to ask for help before, too, but have you to do it. My gas cap is the kind that locks with a key and it's tricky to unlock.

47 - it's safe to assume that not EVERY STRANGER is going to mug you. Especially at a gas station, where there are cameras and the mugger is bound to get caught. If you want to go around with some paranoid belief that everyone is out to mug you, then be my guest. 47 - there was OBVIOUSLY something WRONG with the gas cap. Let's not assume that everything is all hunky-dory in this fml. Use your head, ffs

dg72592_fml 0

wow why are people saying this isnt real... lucky u guys to live in a place where you cant imagine getting robbed...

well, certainly the cameras caught his license plate # and a good view of his face, so there's that

planetearth 0

Righty tighty lefty loosey! How the **** do you not know how to open a gas tank??