Whoomp whoomp

By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, I stopped by the gas station. As I was filling up I noticed a cute guy at the pump next to me. When I was done, I gave him a wink before opening my car door. It was locked. I had to call my Dad to bring my spare keys. The guy was laughing the whole time as I waited for my Dad to show up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 698
You deserved it 54 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He waited for your dad yo arrive? He seem to be into you.

He stayed there the whole time you were waiting for your dad to arrive? Not too realistic there, OP.


He waited for your dad yo arrive? He seem to be into you.

He stayed there the whole time you were waiting for your dad to arrive? Not too realistic there, OP.

Agree with #3 and YDI for being a fool on April Fool's

blb1989 0

you should've asked if you could hang out in his back seat til your dad got there

Yes, I agree with some of the other comments. Meh, that guy actually stayed with you that whole time? Did you not speak at all? I can not picture this realistically. Unless, that guy was really in to you, then this seems a little fishy fishy to me, =/ uhohz.

Maybe they lived close by to the gas station, or the guy had a double tanks on his vehicle. My truck has double tanks and I takes a while to fill.

anon12_fml 0

maybe he laughed during the whole phone call and she didn't word it right; i'm sick of people being so quick to try to come up with loopholes for why stories are fake... even if they are, they're still entertaining