Suspicious activity

By omgn00blolz89 - 07/04/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I was walking my little sister home from the eye doctor. It was raining out so we were kind of in a hurry to get home. We get home and about half an hour later, the cops show up. Apparently, someone saw me walking my sister and called the cops on me thinking I was a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 570
You deserved it 3 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are so quick to judge. Hopefully you explained everything to the cops and it all worked out.

LAWLZ. Post your pic. Seriously, some of the nicest people I know look like they could be weirdos.


Better safe than sorry, my ass. If you have to sacrifice your thought process and better judgement to be "safe", I'm not buyin' it. Seriously, why not just call the cops when you see any male with a small child? Anyway, sorry about what happened. Hoped that dealing with the feds went smoothly.

It's sad that in this day and age anyone older than a child seen interacting in any way with a child is considered a child molester. I'm surprised they don't have security guards in classrooms yet.

liveitlearnit 0

I think you should be glad that someone would call if they saw your precious little sister in a situation that could be compromising. I'm sure that if she WERE missing with a stranger, you'd be very thankful that a cop showed up to get the search started.

frozen_heart 0

#108 so an older person walking with a younger person is "compromising"? What's it like out there in 1984?

Hahah....People are so paranoid these days. I would find whoever called on that complaint and scream at them :P

Some people judge you the wrong way from the start no matter what.

dude, that happened to me and my brother, who is 12 years older than me, when i was a kid. Someone just moved into the neighborhood and saw him walking me back from school one day and they flipped out and called the cops, apparantly claiming a pedophile took a young girl into a home on the street. When the cops showed up they were a little surprised to see my mom answer the door and I was right behind her.