Suspicious activity

By omgn00blolz89 - 07/04/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I was walking my little sister home from the eye doctor. It was raining out so we were kind of in a hurry to get home. We get home and about half an hour later, the cops show up. Apparently, someone saw me walking my sister and called the cops on me thinking I was a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 570
You deserved it 3 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are so quick to judge. Hopefully you explained everything to the cops and it all worked out.

LAWLZ. Post your pic. Seriously, some of the nicest people I know look like they could be weirdos.


curious_missy 1

well, better safe than sorry...I mean, you should be glad someone cares enough about others to call the cops on behalf of a little girl. HAHA!!! #72: maybe the caller took like...20 minutes to decide if he/she should call...but yeah that is scary...

curious_missy 1

#63, my sister is also 13 years younger than me. She's actually my half sister, but I love her either way :) Thing is, I was always the one who talked to teachers, babysitters, daycare providers, and took her to her friends parties bc I was the only one if the family who spoke English. Everyone usually looked at me and told me that my daughter was the cutest kid they had ever seen. I always replied "she's my sister, but I feel like a mom who didn't go through the pain of birth and who always got plenty of sleep at night." It made everyone see that she's my lil ray of sunshine even tho I wasn't her mom.

curious_missy 1

#63, my sister is also 13 years younger than me. She's actually my half sister, but I love her either way :) Thing is, I was always the one who talked to teachers, babysitters, daycare providers, and took her to her friends parties bc I was the only one if the family who spoke English. Everyone usually looked at me and told me that my daughter was the cutest kid they had ever seen. I always replied "she's my sister, but I feel like a mom who didn't go through the pain of birth and who always got plenty of sleep at night." It made everyone see that she's my lil ray of sunshine even tho I wasn't her mom.

Has #40 never heard the term "to walk someone home?"

Bymasse 0

what were you doing to your sister while walking?

000001 0

It's not a question of how "creepy" someone looks like, it's just a petty misunderstanding. I'm sure the person who called on you didn't mean any harm, and you certainly didn't deserve it. It's good to know someone's watching out for children, and that it was sorted out (since you were able to post this lol).

I just don't get why people say you deserve it O_o...

Jeez, I wonder how that conversation with the cops went...

#61, yes it is an FML. and you know why?? because FHL!!! No one's gonna write a Thank God people are looking out for my sister (TGPALOFMS) it's a **** My Life because people thought i was a child molester and had the cops after me and i can't imagine how hundreds of people say you deserved it

dang that sucks, ppl are just ruthless. what kind of idiot would call the cops on something like that.