
By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 09:42 - United States

Today, my friends and I noticed that people, no matter what stereotype, pretty much all have the same type of friends: the mean one, the funny one, etc., and started naming off the people in our group who fit into those personalities. We got to the token fat one, everyone looked at me and stopped talking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 021
You deserved it 10 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kdog333 1

she spelled stereotype right anyway.


Gruffy 0

you were askin for it, whether these friends you were trying to catagorize were all there or not... epic fail

Stop stereotyping others lest you be stereotypes yourself! Oh and YDI for being a fat fatty boomboom.

Gruffy 0

OK, people, its ok to say YDI on the whole what comes around goes around aspect, but sayin Fail just for being realize you're doing pretty much the same thing here? DUH

And do you realise your on Don't you know you shouldn't expect anything less than illogical, ironic, serious, sarcastic, funny, random bollocks from the replies.

You shouldn't stereotype. Stereotyping is a bad thing! I mean no one deserves to be called fat, but still. I'm not gonna say YDI or FYL!

olisykes_ 0

Um, yes. Overweight people who don't get off their asses all day and eat rubbish deserve to be called "fat". That's what fat means. Idiot.

DareToDream7 0

Just because someone is fat doesn't mean they don't exercise and eat rubbish all day. I'm overweight and I eat fruist, veegetables, lean meats, etc. as well as play soccer during the year, I ski every weekend in the winter (I'm a ski racer). I also eat some sweets (in moderation) and I don't exercise 24 hours a day. So maybe you shouldn't stereotype all fat people and accuse them of being lazy and sit around eating chips all the time. Sure, some fat people are like that but there are others, like myself, who workout, eat right most of the time, and still carry a bit of extra weight. I bet you anything you're fatter than I am, and you just feel better by bashing people fatter than you. So shut the **** up, you don't even know the half of it you PRICK.

I say YDI not because you are your self-said "token fat one" stereotype", but that you guys sat and stereotyped all the rest of your friends, yet you assumed that your stereotype would be a nice one. What did you truly expect?

Hey, I'm the token fatty. Be proud, sister! Or put down the cheeseburger. I know I need to.

I'm the funny one. Guess who I like the most in our group? Yep, the "big" one.

Gruffy 0

that doesnt make you the funny one...that makes you the asshole.. congrats on maintaining the status quo...