
By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 09:42 - United States

Today, my friends and I noticed that people, no matter what stereotype, pretty much all have the same type of friends: the mean one, the funny one, etc., and started naming off the people in our group who fit into those personalities. We got to the token fat one, everyone looked at me and stopped talking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 021
You deserved it 10 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kdog333 1

she spelled stereotype right anyway.


KosmoK 0

Those sterotypes don't even make sense. Who has an ACTUAL mean one? Maybe mean but funny but not just a dick, then u wouldn't be their friend. And the fat one is usually the funny one too. I know cause we have two of those.

Well it teaches you for bitching about other people then.

What, this was the first time you realised you were fatter than all your friends? I guess you're either really overweight and in denial, or just a little chubbier than your friends. In the first case, you need to just accept it and stop thinking your life is ****** every time someone mentions it. Or, you know, lose some weight. In the second case, just get the **** over it.

Gruffy 0

or, she has a third option, #39... noone thinks of the big girl in the group AS the big girl if she's the slutty girl :) I'm just sayin, its an option

again, with the fat bullshit you brought it upon yourself stop complaining, and start doing something about it

Deeno15 0

omg i totally thought that this was my friend writting this, because this happened on monday and i was the funny one, then emo, then psycho, then mr cool then the "token fat one" was the one eating. haha we all stopped and even he laughed LOL how wierd!!!

Why do looks matter more than personality? I only date guys with nice personaitites. Looks matter but much less than how they treat me. Looks fade, love and good friends are forever.

wakawakawaka_fml 0

I'm the fattest one in my group of friends. I just laugh it off, then secretly crawl back to the treadmill.

HAhahaha.. this made my day. I'm the bitch one in the group.