Still better than the Cats movie

By dirty deeds - 31/05/2020 14:00

Today, my brother’s cat pissed on my brand new bed. He refuses to replace the mattress, and claims it wasn’t his cat. We only have one cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 487
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why replace a brand new mattress?? there's plenty of products made just for the purpose of cleaning mattresses. you think every child who wets the bed gets a brand new mattress?

Sady_Ct 37

Wait till he is out... swap the beds, when he’s fixed it swap them back


Sady_Ct 37

Wait till he is out... swap the beds, when he’s fixed it swap them back

geerod 15

Robert your an ass ! Piss has a noxious odor which doesn’t go away and cat piss is worse. Obviously you don’t have a cat or have never cleaned!

and you are obviously a bigger idiot there are cleaning products for this cat piss does not warrant a new mattress idiot

This is why you buy a mattress protector right away! Especially with pets!

Always use a mattress protector to prevent accidents with pets...or squirters. Now that you've learned that, piss on your brother's bed to re-establish dominance.

why replace a brand new mattress?? there's plenty of products made just for the purpose of cleaning mattresses. you think every child who wets the bed gets a brand new mattress?

While I mostly piss is one of the WORST smells that will forever linger. If it's in the middle of a spring and padded mattress...that thing is done for.

You have obviously never smelt cat pee? It smells like ammonia

If the cat claimed the bed but ur a human... doesn’t that kinda mean that the cat made you clam it so now u own a cat

Sady_Ct 37

As a person who has owned multiple cats throughout my life... I can safely say that most products don’t work as they claim, and being a thick mattress... will be even harder to clean. Even the staff at the vets office don’t recommend the products they stock as they don’t work in the surgery, so the bottles are all covered in dust and customers are warned. You need a super strong special enzymatic cleaner that has the correct enzymes to eat the uric acid crystals that are left when the pee has dried. The uric acid is what stinks.... the more you wet and try to clean the more they are spread around, the more it will stink.

just turn the matress over.. then it'll only smell downwards

tulsy42 6

That sucks but why wouldn’t you have a mattress protector?