Stay away from us!

By KingSnow03 - 31/03/2020 20:00

Today, because I have a coughed a total of 2 times in a row, I'm now banned from seeing any of my family until I get tested for coronavirus. The earliest available appointment is May 3rd. Looks like quarantine is going to be a lot worse than I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 683
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Our president has said that anyone who wants a test can get a test. So, one of you is lying.

notacatinatrenchcoat 4

you would've been infected and spreading the virus, i think it was, 9 days before showing symptoms? plus if you don't have a fever and shortness of breath to go with it i wouldn't worry. sorry your family is reacting this way


lucky you!!! it would be a win win for me!

notacatinatrenchcoat 4

you would've been infected and spreading the virus, i think it was, 9 days before showing symptoms? plus if you don't have a fever and shortness of breath to go with it i wouldn't worry. sorry your family is reacting this way

Our president has said that anyone who wants a test can get a test. So, one of you is lying.

Everyone that matters does. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK!!!!

Marcella1016 31

Jobekka he was being sarcastic pointing out the blatant hypocrisy always portrayed by the powers that be over here. It was basically an “inside joke” about Trump because a good portion of our country believes literally anything he says regardless of any physical evidence to the contrary. Good luck though wherever you live. Hopefully things are better there with the virus and access to tests and supplies. Even though you don’t matter as much. (Juuuuust kidding in case anyone took that last part seriously 🙃)

You don’t need an appointment to get tested for that’s a lie.

Get a doctors order asap, and find a mobile testing site.

julfunky 29

Or, like what we’ve been told repeatedly, just quarantine yourself for 14 days.

You could very well have a cold or allergies.

14 days. I’m just getting over it and it started 8 days into my quarantine. It’s painful so I positive vibes💕