Contact tracing

By Anonymous - 15/12/2020 16:58 - United States - Mechanicsburg

Today, I woke up to a text from my girlfriend telling me to call when I wake up. Turns out she had one of her friends over who tested positive for Covid and I was just at her house, so now I’m forced to quarantine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 947
You deserved it 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sarahcroy20 12

That's exactly why socializing is a very very bad idea right now.

most of the spread seems to be coming from little get together not public spread so it's not really surprising.


sarahcroy20 12

That's exactly why socializing is a very very bad idea right now.

most of the spread seems to be coming from little get together not public spread so it's not really surprising.

Suaria 38

You guys could quarantine together since you guys were both exposed potentially.

Man I feel this. My mum just got covid, she's in a foreign country (arrived before the pandemic and couldn't come home) and had to use a friends house for internet since the location she's living doesn't have stable internet. Turns out that friend had decided to go to anti-mask rallies and caught it but didn't tell anyone. It sucks, I hope everyone is okay.