Spoiled the mood

By DFR - 09/06/2010 13:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me in a really really romantic way. After we called our parents to tell them the news, he turned to me and said, "Hey, I hope you know this doesn't mean you can start getting lazy with your blowjobs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 889
You deserved it 23 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he said it in a "haha, jk" kind of way, then you need to chill out. I get the impression that it was meant to be funny, not serious. My boyfriend would probably say something like this, and I'd just sweetly remind him that if angered, I could easily chomp down on him during said ********, lol. It's all in fun.


ok then dont lazy and i would have you do it alot more and alot longer

SummerStorm_fml 0

I don't see why this is a fml. He was probably joking. Besides, blow jobs are fun!(:

mistershlong 0

I wish all girls thought like that

mindfreak117 4

bless u. u have a beautiful way of thinking. and a beautiful mouth ;)

Vacant 7

Look at me, I'm a teenage girl trying to sound grown up and sexually active. Whooooo.

InfantryMarc 0

that's awesome lol wish all women thought like u do

InfantryMarc 0
christa953 12

37: so u got married when u were 16???!

littlemissdqgirl 8

Op just agree and tell him it's no reason for him to get lazy about eatting you out.

DiNgO_lOvE 0

you took the words outta my mouth! ^^^^ do what she said op!!!!!

perdix 29

Now is it the WORDS she took right out of your mouth? What else do you keep in there?

FYLDeep 25

What an idiot! You're supposed to ask that question first. That way, you can fill in the details with your parents of what her intentions are regarding ********.

i think it was funny that he said that he knows that hes in an actual commitment now and theres gonna be alot of stress comin ur way because of future mrriage n so forth. so his just hoping that everything would be the same as sex is importnt i see my boy would say the same thing also if it bothers you let him know dont keep it inside

Hahaha, woow, what a winner. make sure he doesn't get sloppy I'm bed in return ;]

lallic 0
mjolene 0

he's not an asshole, my boyfriend says the same thing, he's just being honest .

Well I would say that you may be correct but the concept of interesting is relative to the person who used it :-) My concept of 'interesting' may be different to yours :-P PS. Your welcome :-) and block wasn't necessary :-P

hah, o well - don't tell me that i didn't warn u :b ps - unblocked ;)

Warning taken and recorded / documented for future reference! :-) PS. Thanks for the unblock :-p