By snoozerlooser - 25/12/2010 00:00 - Canada

Today, I overheard my boyfriend of two years tell his friend he was going to "pop the question". Ecstatic, I wore my nicest dress and got my hair done for dinner. Near the end, he leant in romantically and asked if we could start doing anal. So much for marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 492
You deserved it 7 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he can give it to you... after he gets the strap-on.

1 - "Nookie" refers to sex of any kind. No where did she state she hadn't given him any sex; she just hadn't had anal sex with him. To the others - Anal is DEFINITELY not necessary for marriage. If you're the type of guy who stands by that and believes it: a) don't get married. Ever. b) change your damn views, because they're wrong. and/or c) you probably won't get a girlfriend who'll stay, so you better start lookin' at dudes.


Seriously, it's been 2 years and you haven't given him that yet? YDI. You should know you can't get married before anal.

1 - "Nookie" refers to sex of any kind. No where did she state she hadn't given him any sex; she just hadn't had anal sex with him. To the others - Anal is DEFINITELY not necessary for marriage. If you're the type of guy who stands by that and believes it: a) don't get married. Ever. b) change your damn views, because they're wrong. and/or c) you probably won't get a girlfriend who'll stay, so you better start lookin' at dudes.

meganasoarus 0

srsly, you shouldn't get married if you haven't even discussed anal yet. if you can't discuss basic sex positions, your relationship is pretty much screwed. (or not, lol)

Their views ARE wrong if they believe that anal sex is necessary in a marriage. It is not. Just because I argue that anal sex is not wrong doesn't mean I'm hypocritical. Please rethink your "logic"... something isn't working for you.

I am confident most people would agree it's not a requirement for a marriage. Happiness, communication and occasional space are among the things most deem important and necessary to a marriage.

I'm not trying to dictate. I'm trying to make the point that it's clearly not a necessity. If they're both mature people and she declines to partake in that, then the relationship shouldn't suffer. On the flip side, if he's not into giving oral sex the relationship shouldn't suffer if he declines to give it to her either, IMO. I understand that everyone has their differences and some things work better than others in terms of relationships. But as said, a relationship's survival is not dependent on anal sex. There are other things they can do instead that may be just as good, if not better than that, whereas nothing can replace communication or respect.

There's the difference. Sex in general is most often quite necessary. But, obviously there are many different styles, positions and types... so it's not as clear cut as you're trying to make it. Anal sex and other common key components of a good relationship do not compare, so you can't (and the guy I originally responded to) can't try to compare them. What is a relationship without its foundations (love, respect, trust, communication, time apart - for some, if not most people, and happiness? Nothing. What is a relationship without anal sex? Depending on whether it has the aforementioned, it may very well still be a good relationship.

:l Once again you're missing my point. I clearly said in post 102 that I did in fact understand that people may have different needs, and I'm not simply looking at my own and calling it black. I'm telling you that MOST PEOPLE AGREE what I mentioned (among a few other things, I'm sure) that those are the most important and most necessary. You're arguing for nothing and not reading what's in front of your face. Good god.

shut the **** up! ur all wrong marriage and anal r 2 completely different things so just shut up

doctor_itsmylife 3

I thought doing anal was equivalent to marriage in Canada o_0

Shaders 0

I Guess you could say *puts on shades* He pooped the question! YEAHHHH!

In my view, they are wrong and I'm sick and tired of you trying to be this macho asshole over the internet. I made my point. If you don't like it, that's cool. Ignore it and don't post on my comments. You know that every time you do, it will turn into a long thread of arguments. It's happened every time so far. I'm done wasting my time on this thread and I hope you realize I stand behind my point and no matter how many times you try to bust it with your sometimes insane thinking, it's not going to happen; I won't change my views. We clearly don't agree on things and I don't know why you insist on commenting and creating arguments with me. You clearly can't read and most of the time misinterpret my comments or read words that aren't there. Go back to college or university or wherever... you might learn a thing or two there. If you need me to dumb this down for you, let me know.

Fairly tame? You challenge every little thing whether you're actually right or not. Half the time, if not more, I am right yet you still argue. You usually keep going until you've exhausted us both... Yes, I do think you're being "macho" for lack of a better phrase. You're trying to make it seem like you're all that. It's very clear. We BOTH need to stop responding and commenting on each other's stuff. I'm not the only one at fault in terms of that, here. I'm sure you can also see the logic in that. Considering the original thing posted was mine, and YOU commented on that, I think it's appropriate to say you need to calm your balls. Your original responses are tame, yes. But, as I continue to defend my point to the best of my ability, you keep going, pissing us both off. You've been known to throw random insults and make condescending remarks, most of the time uncalled for. Take a look at what you're posting one of these years, please.

I'm not completely wrong, hence your demonstration with the last post. Pathetic is the perfect word to describe you. Thank you for ending this discussion. Do not start another... I thought I'd throw that in there even though I know you'll start another argument. It's what you do, right?

Yeah, please guys don't start another. Reading this one made me feel like my brain was being sandpapered into a very fine, carcinogenic mist.

DarknessToLight 5

what the hell... that was a pretty intense arguement, normally I'd see this kind of intensity in the topics of politics, religion, and so on. but what is the topic? doing it in the butt... FML and everyone elses who read the whole comment thread

I hate when OP's lead us on like that. I am all atwitter with excitement. Did he get permission to travel the Hershey Highway?

Well you got your hopes up... Sorry op but YDI.

I don't think she deserved it. She heard the statement out of context, and when hearing "pop the question" marriage is the first thing that comes to a persons mind.

Yeah... "Pop the question" usually doesn't mean "Can we try anal?" Sorry OP

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Maybe if you start doing anal, he'll propose.

sillybabee 3

it's betta than marriage if ya ask me.

C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! (not sure if this will be double posted)

C-C-C-C-COMBO MAKER!!! Your move, doubleedgedblade...

"Betta"? " if "YA" ask me" Why do so many girls think they"ll turn a guy on if they replace last letters in some words with "A"

Why do you think guys think they will turn a girl on with replacing a letter with A? It's called shortening a word for convenience of time, it has nothing to do with turning someone on.