Speak out

By I tried - 26/05/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, I found out that one of the students at my old school had committed suicide. Several months earlier, I'd informed the school counselor that said student appeared to be suicidal. Apparently, teachers dismissing her as "lazy" when she was actually very, very depressed was a big factor. Man, fuck that school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 651
You deserved it 67

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LRose1234 7

You should tell the parents. They could have a claim against the school/counselor. That should’ve been taken so much more seriously.

wrecklesswfire 2

you sounded the alarm bells and no one could be bothered to do anything. I agree FYL


LRose1234 7

You should tell the parents. They could have a claim against the school/counselor. That should’ve been taken so much more seriously.

LRose1234 7

You should tell the parents. They could have a claim against the school/counselor. That should’ve been taken so much more seriously.

From time to time there are FMLs that are not amusing, but just truly sad. This is one of them. Stay strong and talk to some adult about dealing with it

wrecklesswfire 2

you sounded the alarm bells and no one could be bothered to do anything. I agree FYL