Sounds tasty

By FML.. - 06/04/2009 19:51 - China

Today, I was going to have sex with my Hispanic boyfriend. I wanted to turn him on, so I asked my friend how to say, "Fuck me" in Spanish. She claimed it was "Pollo frito". I then had sex, constantly saying "Pollo frito" for an hour. I later realized I was saying "Fried chicken." FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 495
You deserved it 183 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArbiterOfFML 24

Well, Spanish isn't even my first language and I knew that was the incorrect phrase.


ArbiterOfFML 24

Well, Spanish isn't even my first language and I knew that was the incorrect phrase.

How was he not laughing the entire time lmao