By swervelol - 20/08/2017 23:15

Today, the mosquito infestation is so bad that multiple mosquitoes sucked the blood out of the steak I was grilling and promptly died on top of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 422
You deserved it 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you tried investing in citronella or deet?

DEET yer meat! Sure, it renders your steak foul-tasting and poisonous, but the t-shirts and bumper stickers with the slogan are hilarious!


Have you tried investing in citronella or deet?

DEET yer meat! Sure, it renders your steak foul-tasting and poisonous, but the t-shirts and bumper stickers with the slogan are hilarious!

gobiteme2 34

Are you sure it wasn't due to the way you were grilling.

There's no blood in steak, unless you're buying some really weird and shorty cuts. Still sucks though.

Insects probably don't have the ability to figure that out quite as easily as we can. Might have to do with them being insects, not primates or other animals with similar levels of intelligence.

Xatraris 38

I was going to post the same thing but didn't because it would get down voted anyway. It's myoglobin. If it were blood your steak would have a lot of black goo all over it due to the blood coagulation. As someone previously said, it could be the way they grilled the steak, not sucking the blood out.

Gordon Ramsey's: what's that crunchy taste on the stake? You: mosquitoes Gordon Ramsey's: are you f@&king mental!!!

Lobby_Bee 17

Stop feeding your mosquitoes! That's why you have the infestation in the first place.

Thats not how it works, thats not how any of this works! But seriously, mosquitoes are around wherever there's still water so if you can, dump out any buckets of water or tings that have water in them and see if that helps stem the problem. If the problem is a nearby lake, ask about draining it. If the problem is big enough, wherever you live might just drain the lake.

Still sucks to have bugs landing on it (no pun intended), but there's no blood in steak. The reddish liquid is myogloboin, water, and various organic pigments.

Is only the females that bite. Net hope that the new genetically modified mosquitoes get released in your town to kill the females..