By no one - 19/06/2011 18:46 - United States

Today, my back hurt really badly, so I decided to stay in bed. After a while, I sat up to shut the door. When I leaned over to reach it, I fell off my bed and face-planted the floor. After picking myself up and getting comfortable in my bed again, I realized the door was still open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 301
You deserved it 10 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My personal favorite is: Shut the **** up. No, seriously.


stuffedanimal111 0

u said exactly what I was thinking!

how the hell is this a fml? get over it.

Get up and close it again. There problem solved

Too bad he is too excruciating pain to do that. Kind of why it's an FML.

I'm pretty sure getting out of bed and walking a foot isn't gonna kill him. He obviously wasn't too far from the door if he could reach it from bed. He just needs to stop being a baby bitch and close it, or at least stop bitching about it.

# 57, apparently you are hurts like a bitch when your back is messed up. Perhaps you should hurt your back so you can be a "baby bitch" too.

Well I sure think you got the "bitch" part down.

well said #77 back pain hurt alot, my father couldnt even walk

funnyfuntime 0

My spine was crooked and messed up and I couldn't get up and walk

And I'm wondering why he has to close the door so bad?!

What made you think falling off your bed would close the door?

JonaDona 2

agree if you didnt close the door when you got up, how did you expect it to be close when you got back on your bed

BigHoshJosh 0

smooth... now I bet your face hurts./

Keeping the door open has never been a better idea.

that sucks. it happens to me all the time :(

What.. trying to close a door, then falling off a bed and facepalming yourself... happens to you all the time does it?

ChristinaLove138 0

lmao Fail! haha But it Dont Beat happened to Me :/ i got out of bed and step on my cat, she scratched me, made me jump and fell on my side, landing on a shoe and after i got up and closed my door i walk back to ny bed and step on my cats tail, making me jump and hit my drawer. i knocked over my lap :( i was in deep trouble lol.

Can't get an FML posted so you have to post one in a comment? lol

ChristinaLove138 0

actually i dont post FMLs. i Just Like Reading them :/ Ass :P

I think you should put some clothes on before judging people

westleyD 2