By no one - 19/06/2011 18:46 - United States

Today, my back hurt really badly, so I decided to stay in bed. After a while, I sat up to shut the door. When I leaned over to reach it, I fell off my bed and face-planted the floor. After picking myself up and getting comfortable in my bed again, I realized the door was still open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 301
You deserved it 10 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My personal favorite is: Shut the **** up. No, seriously.


I don't know how this isn't a ydi... Get off of your ass, take some advil and go do something... Your back is never going to get better just laying around...

wow you've clearly never had a back problem then, "Your back is never going to get better just laying around", actually it is... You're back will never get better if you try to go for a run or go rock climbing with back pain. I agree with the YDI though because if you have back pain you shouldn't be leaning off of your bed to shut a door, you should be carefully slowly getting out of bed, walking to shut the door and then returning to bed. LEANING is clearly very bad for your back

all4pooh 4

Idk why this made me laugh so much lol, but it's happened to us all

rroxie124 5

Hehe sounds like something that would happen to me (:

69_jackson_69 0

Hahaha, **** you! Sincerely, The Door

Next time just get off your arse and close it. 

christy_03 0

Your life is not that horrible.