By LacrosseFAIL - 16/07/2016 22:33 - United States - Schaumburg

Today, after a long day at work, I walked into my room with the lights off and jumped on my bed. At least I would've if I haven't rearranged my room and instead face-planted onto my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 091
You deserved it 4 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had this happen to me. I came home from a three day fishing trip, and collapsed backwards into where the bed was almost knocking myself out on the floor, followed by loud laughter from down stairs. I didn't think this was funny, but my kids sure did.

It's okay, OP. You're not alone. Last night I went out for food and managed to hit myself square in the nose with my car door because it was dark out. I know that feel.


I hope you didn't rearrange your face whilst you were at it!

That could happen to any of us since you just rearranged your room recently and have forgoten , but I would never stumble into my room in the dark and just sleep in my bed what if there are monsters under it ? But really a lot of things could go wrong with you blindly just entering it like that.

Don't let the desk bugs bite? Sorry OP, hope you're feeling better.

I had this happen to me. I came home from a three day fishing trip, and collapsed backwards into where the bed was almost knocking myself out on the floor, followed by loud laughter from down stairs. I didn't think this was funny, but my kids sure did.

Well you'd bedder be more careful next time!

never take the leap of faith damn. people are not liking these comments so far

It's okay, OP. You're not alone. Last night I went out for food and managed to hit myself square in the nose with my car door because it was dark out. I know that feel.

"Hey boss, can I go home? I've worked 11 hours and I'm just tired." "Sure, knock yourself out." I'm pretty sure that's not what your boss meant. ;)

That sucks and I hope you werent too injured cuzzo. On another note, Lmfao I'm dying !