Make your mind up

By ActionBastard - 23/04/2021 04:59

Today, I was chewed out by my boss for reporting someone not wearing a mask in our store, because, "no one likes a snitch." I'm the security guard. It's my job to report that to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 164
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might want to start looking for a new job.

bobsanction 18

As a security guard, being a snitch is literally your job description.


Might want to start looking for a new job.

bobsanction 18

As a security guard, being a snitch is literally your job description.

not really id think it was there job to not let them in or if they were already in, get them out kinda like moderators, they dont go tell there boss, they just deal with the problem