By shutup shutup shutup don't wanna hear it - 08/11/2016 00:43 - United States - Charlottesville

Today, my roommate told me that she was studying in the library. Turns out, she didn't feel like going to the library and just spent all afternoon studying in a friend's room because she didn't think I was capable of shutting up for long enough to get any work done. Our other friends agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 373
You deserved it 4 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. If people are working let them be. Interrupt them only to offer a hot beverage not more than once an hour.

Here is a Simple Plan to avoid such situations. When you see someone's bussy don't talk to them. I mean if one person thinks something it's their problem, but when more agree you are the problem


Here is a Simple Plan to avoid such situations. When you see someone's bussy don't talk to them. I mean if one person thinks something it's their problem, but when more agree you are the problem

Agreed. No idea why folks try to talk to bussy people anyway; all they ever do is make honking sounds and have wheels that go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round all 'round the town. Ugh.

I snorted my drink, I should know better than to eat and read this site.

I'm ******* BLOWN AWAY at ur ability to relate OPs FML name to ur comment. 2006 emos rejoice (and hopefully, it was a phase)

YDI. If people are working let them be. Interrupt them only to offer a hot beverage not more than once an hour.

Alternatively, if someone interrupts you when you're busy, let them know you'd like to be left alone. If you don't give any indication that you're bothered by the interruption then people aren't likely to know that they need to stop. I spend so much time on my laptop it's pretty much impossible to know if I'm working or playing Sims without me telling you, the only way OP would be solely at fault here is if they have been told multiple times and have ignored the warning. In which case, they're an asshole.

lexiieeex3 32

This fml desperately needed a YDI button...

Talis99 26

I'm thinking maybe you ought to self-reflect and consider if maybe you are a gabber. Especially if you're interrupting others.

As Ralph Kramden used to say to his wife, "Do you know what you are? Do you know?? You, Alice, are a BLABBERMOUTH!"

Speaking as a student studying for final exams... YDI. I frequently have to remind myself not to stab any person that talks to me while I'm studying in the eyeball. Silence!

Grammar police here, hoping you're not an English major. You study inside an eyeball?

Talis99 26

This isn't a failure in grammar. It's based on the way you say it, the inflection, and is still grammatically correct.

No #14 not an English major. But I am mentally exhausted enough to not particularly care about my sentence structure in a FML comment! I think people got what I meant ;)

Nope. To be correct, it would need a couple of commas at the very least.

...Judging by the length of your fml, she was completely correct.

dragoongirl90 34

I LOVE your user name, OP. Epic reference!

Perhaps you're a socially inept turtle like myself, in which case, I deeply sympathize.

Maybe you're just more disruptive than you realize.

She's already "quite". It's the quiet part that's pissing off the rest of her world.