
By needmorelocks - 03/07/2012 05:36 - United States - Santa Paula

Today, my mom called to chew me out for having my sister arrested. My sister broke into my apartment, rearranged my living room, and claimed she now lived with me. She then threatened me with a butcher's knife for not appreciating what she had done. My mom wants me to pay the bail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 138
You deserved it 2 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If my sister did that to me I would be seriously scared, don't bail her out OP! let her sit and reflect that that was ****** up.

Get her checked out at the psych ward in your hospital. I'm surprised the cops didn't take her straight there.


Haiana04 3

Here's what you do OP, Stand your ground, Look your mom straight in the eye, And calmly say "Hell no. ", Then go home and fix your living room

Haiana04 3

I think 1 said "no way" as a response to OP's situation as if it was his/her own.

Haiana04 3

I think 1's comment to OP was a response to the situation as if it was his/her own.

dcg1375 7

You needed to clarify twice?

Calm down. knowing FML it probably told her it couldn't post so they did it again and then it posted both.

48 - I'm pretty sure 1 said "no say" as a poor attempt at first comment

If my sister did that to me I would be seriously scared, don't bail her out OP! let her sit and reflect that that was ****** up.

alphaskater09 9

I want 81 thumbs up like you. I'm all jelly now:(

I'm assuming OP is an adult, so s/he can't be forced to do what his/her mom says...

Parental pressure still exists. Hold your ground, OP. You are right on this one; your sister needs professional help.

Dang OP. Family reunions must be lots of fun.

I agree, you definitely shouldn't bail her out.

Yeah that sister is crazy. She needs to be checked out at the psychiatric hospital. She's crazy!!

Sorry could you just clarify for me, is the sister crazy?

Get her checked out at the psych ward in your hospital. I'm surprised the cops didn't take her straight there.

That's true.. Any violent behavior like that and a diagnosis gives you a one-way ticket to the ward.

Well if your living on your own your obviously old enough to not have to listen to what your mommy tells you to. Don't bail her OP! They've formed an alliance!

Tell her **** no. Plain, simple, to the point.

EpicFail1520 16

Exactly. People are ******* crazy.

alphaskater09 9

Don't bail her out. It's as simple as that.

reallytho3 11
alphaskater09 9

I don't know why people have to make situation more complicated then they already are. It makes me angry and sad. :(

Bliss391 7

If she thinks Its okay for your sister to live free and not pay any bills, maybe she just needs to live with your mom! Sorry op.

Seeing as the FML said nothing about bills, I really don't think that's the issue here... What the mom apparently thinks is okay is breaking into people's houses, messing with their personal belongings, and threatening them with weapons. I'd say OP's life sucks for having family like that...

dontyawishyaknew 12

Ik how OP feels! My mom thinks any type of behavior is acceptable as long as they're "family"

Stand by your decision, do not bail her out. Hopefully the police will figure out that she needs psychiatric help. Blood runs thicker than water, but only to a certain limit... Sorry you have to deal with guilt from your mother on top of it =( FYL

The furniture is bolted down in jail. Let her try to redecorate there.