Smoke 'em while you can

By OuttaNowhere81 - 15/05/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was smoking a cigarette in my backyard while my parents were out, because I'm not allowed to smoke. While smoking, my parents came home unexpectedly. In a rush, I flicked it over the fence, and it landed in my neighbor's hair. It was still lit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 625
You deserved it 73 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Millybug 0

That's what you get for smoking, nitwit. I hope you at least apologized to your poor neighbor.

YDI. I don't care if people smoke or not, just be responsible.


kapowi 0

I knew this was going to turn into one of those "LIKE OH MAH GAWD, YOU SMOKE! YDI!" I agree with #81 Who the hell cares what someone is doing to THEIR body? And don't give me that second hand bullcrap, because it's more than the smoke from my cigarette in the air that you're breathing in constantly. You know what I think you guys should do since you're all so against smoking and pollution. Go tell every single factory to stop running, go tell people never to drive the car they spent thousands on driving, and tell people that if they want to go anywhere, they'll walk. Oh, wait. YOU CAN'T. Why? Because the country needs these things to run smoothly as a nation. You all need lives if all you're going to do is bitch about smoking.

Dear 'glockjaw', So you're proud of doing illegal drugs, and you wish me death? That's lovely of you. You also claim I am ignorant, though of what I can't glean from your post. But then you go on to claim that addictive drugs don't control your life. If you do not get nicotine in your system, you will have a lot of trouble functioning. How is that not controlling your life? And if you need to enhance your life experience with drugs, you can't be having a very good one. Can you not just enjoy the wonders of the natural world? Watch a bird fly, it's incredible. You need drugs to deal with 'douchebaggery'? Again, pathetic. Have you so little control over your mind and emotions that the only way you can cope is by viewing the world through a drug-fuelled haze? Because then nothing can hurt you? And while I do feel superior to you, as you poison your body willingly, you somehow also seem to feel superior to me... On what grounds I wonder? For not having the drug experiences you have? I choose not to, and firmly stand by that decision. I would rather not associate with people at all than be forced to associate with people such as you. Then you try to claim that fast food, soda, and medicine is equally harmful?? The major difference here is, fat and salt and sugar are all things the body NEEDS, and getting too little of it is as bad as getting too much. Whereas the body never needs nicotine, and you made the conscious decision to start that addiction. I may be passing judgement without knowing your full life story, but I feel that knowing that you smoke is enough information to know that you are either stupid, ignorant, arrogant, or just weak-willed. Stupid or ignorant enough to start an addictive and harmful habit, or arrogant enough to think your body would be fine or that you are too strong to get addicted, or weak-willed enough to start regardless of the circumstances and continuing to smoke when there are loads of ways to help you quit. If you choose to respond, please do tell me in very clear terms just how I am ignorant, and how my conditions for judgement are insufficient.

zee209 0

YDI for the simple fact that you didn't respect your parents...You should have taken a walk or something, instead of smoking the your parent's backyard! I can care less if you smoke, honestly, that's your chose. But at least respect your parents and humor them by making them think you DON'T smoke..

kellster 2

Newsflash: your parents know. That disgusting smell doesn't exactly dissipate, you know. Oh, I'm sure you open your windows and light candles or what have you, but it's still in your skin and hair and on your breath (yes, even after gum & toothbrushing and what have you). They know. I promise you.

kapowi 0

#86 - Actually, parents don't always know. It's called listerine, and body lotion/spray. and purell. Covers up the smell like magic. My parents had no clue I smoked until about 2 years after I started. Fresh air also does wonders.

sarcrl 0

Really hope she didn't have hairspray or that coulda been alot worse...i hope you at least apologised

YDI for smoking in the first place. How's that rat poison treatin' ya?

**** you! Your neighbour's life is ******, don't even TRY to say yours is when you so clearly deserved it!