Sinking feeling

By aftermath1991 - 03/09/2009 07:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to sit for an hour listening to my girlfriend talk to her ex about his testicles. She laughed more during that conversation than she ever has with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 186
You deserved it 6 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, would you WANT your girlfriend to laugh excessively during a conversation about your testicles?


moonlight_daze 8

And yet YOU’RE the one dating her so how is this an FML? All you jealous boyfriends need to lighten up and grow a pear.

lol @ 21. #12 you can't talk since you can't even spell pair. Also how can you NOT be jealous of this. Your girlfriend is talking to her ex is hard enough then you have to find out her ex is funnier than you. They belong to gether anyone who can laugh at balls for an hour is seriously disturbed in my opinion. You two clearly don't share the same sense of humour, that is a compliment for you in my eyes.

moonlight_daze 8

"Your girlfriend is talking to her ex is hard enough" Lighten up and grow a ******' pair, dude.. Btw, I think this sentence should be something more along the lines of "It's hard enough when your girlfriend talks to her ex."

the_stereotype 0

that's what he said btw, YDI for not having funnier testicles

moonlight_daze 8

And I said "pear". So ******* what? It's called a typo.

moonlight_daze 8

Right after saying "you can't talk since you can't even spell pair," dude said a sentence that would make an English teacher cry.

naw thats not a typo. thats a grammar **** up. lets be honest..on a qwerty keyboard, the e and a are kiiinda close, so i could see 'peir' or something as a didnt even attempt to hit the 'I' in pair XD so grow one.

moonlight_daze 8

There should be a comma after "naw" and there shouldn't be a comma before "so".

OH GOD I MADE AN ERROR AND PEOPLE ARE POINTING IT OUT BECAUSE IT WAS HILARIOUS **** YOU ALL No, really, I think YOU should lighten up. It's /absolutely hilarious/ that you said "pear" instead of "pair." Laugh at it. It's funny. You can actually grow pears too, so that makes it funnier than someone mixing up, say, "you're" and "your." Chill. It's funny. You're funny. Take a deep breath and laugh. Also, "anyone who can laugh at balls for an hour is seriously disturbed in my opinion." Guess I'm disturbed. You must not know a lot of funny things about testicles or the men attached to them. Also, laughs take up some time, so it's not hard to be laughing about the same subject for an hour, even if you've barely said anything. That being saaaiiid... I don't think the boyfriend was jealous, just that it made him feel down/insecure that he can't make his girlfriend laugh like her ex can. Obviously, though, there are reasons people break up. So, while he CAN make her laugh, perhaps he's some huge douchebag? Lots of douchebags are funny, not such a stretch. And, of course, you don't base a relationship on just one thing. Maybe OP can't make her laugh, but he can maybe make her feel like queen of the world? Maybe, OP, you aren't funny, but you are respectable? If she does leave you, OP, over something like this, well... hurts, but that just shows you weren't meant for each other, especially if she'd just leave you because you're not funny.

perryscherry 0

Props to DameGreyWulf for comment #66. Thanks for bringing a dose of level-headed reality to the conversation. :)

wowyoursmart 1

So you want your girl to talk to her ex about his balls lol if a **** did that to me I'd shuv it in her pooper and teach that woman a lesson

she is an ass for doing that, and you're a puss for taking it. try making her laugh for a chance then she wont have to talk about his balls for a good laugh...

I hope you are ready to be single again. You apparently don't know how powerful humor can be. I can't tell you how often I approached a girl who gave me the "I-just-threw-up-in-my-mouth-a-little" look, and then I gave her the Plexico humor and I ended up getting laid. If it weren't fo rmy sense of humor, I'd be the Forty-Plus-Year-Old-Virgin. Hilarious Average-to-Slightly-Below-Average-Looking Guy > Handsome Stiff.

triplefmylife 0

Don't flatter yourself Mr. "slightly-below-average-looking-guy"'re ugly

that was a bit harsh triplefmlife i don't see your photo up hmm.... anyway plexico pwns you

triplefmylife, Then that just proves my point even more strongly. I've done better with women than my looks would predict. In your estimation, I have done MUCH better than I deserve. For your sake, I hope you are good-looking, because you are certainly not funny. Don't bring your girlfriend around me.

Well maybe you should start incorporating some of that humour into your comments.

triplefmylife 0

lol @ #17 trust me, plexio didn't "own" me (do you even know what that means?) anyone who brags about how they got laid on the internet is clearly one sad individual....and I don't need to put up my pic, this isn't a beauty pageant where we're comparing looks...i can see he's one handsome devil [/sarcasm]

@repyourcliche, one downside of relying on being funny to get the girls is that you have to find ones that recognize humor when it bites them on the ass. @triplefmylife, my point wasn't bragging about getting laid, it was that humor can help a guy establish favorable romantic relationships with women (it that better?) even if he is somewhat unfortunate-looking. In reading between the lines, it sounds that you are ugly AND unfunny AND bitter about that.

bexox 0

It's true though, girls do like funny guys! Usually funny people are more intelligent too.

triplefmylife 0

LOL you know what they say about the word "assume" makes an ass of YOU and....well, just you in this case. Regardless, if you INSIST on seeing how "ugly" I am, feel free to add me to me, I have NO problems with the ladies (or men, for that matter) Check your PM for the e-mail address.

I definitely didn't see anyone insisting to see you, triplefmylife. Way to be creepy and send a stranger your email address and an invite to see your Facebook. I definitely agree with plexico. I've been around stupid and unfunny guys that were very good looking and it just makes them look very unattractive. On the other hand, I've been around average to slightly-below average looking guys who are intelligent and funny and it just makes them look more and more attractive in my eyes.

Well, yeah. Personally, I find some of the things you say amusing, but moreso annoying because you try too hard, or that's at least you come across that way. And also, you don't need to comment several times, especially on the same FML, until someone tells you you're funny. It gets a little irritating.

triplemylife's quote "..and I don't need to put up my pic, this isn't a beauty pageant where we're comparing looks.." that's exactly how this debate started, you called plexico ugly. you were judging him purely on his looks, he just made a simple observation. i'm thinking, just thinking so don't bite my head off, that you spend alot of time on the internet. I'm also thinking that you do so because you can see your own reflection in your monitor? again, seen as you're likely to try biting my head off i just want to explain my thougts. i think this because you're an arrogant twat. ta da

Plexico isn't even funny, and the guy posts multiple times in every thread! Everytime I see that fugly ass colorful logo, i try to scroll right by ---- but damn, he's like a fungus in so many fmls! banging ugly chicks with a lame sense of humor isn't anything to gloat about :X

Plexico isn't even funny, and the guy posts multiple times in every thread! Everytime I see that fugly ass colorful logo, i try to scroll right by ---- but damn, he's like a fungus in so many fmls! banging ugly chicks with a lame sense of humor isn't anything to gloat about :X

"unfortunate-looking"...I'm using that one today lol.

Thank you, Toxi, but I have a policy of underselling my looks on the internet. I'm hoping that if you were to ever see me for real, I might get a sincere, "Wow! You're not awful." I once was flirting with a woman on the internet and she said she had a body like Scarlet Johansson. For whatever reason, she insisted that we swap pictures. I asked her, "Were you referring to the actress or Wisconsin farmer Sven Johansson's prize dairy cow?" I didn't get an answer.

I am copy pasting this from my last comment to you. haha wtf You're such a loser dude, and you over analyze everything and go way off the what a person's intentions were. There is no need to look so deeply into stuff and it's super weird coming from a man. Women naturally go deeper into situations and make more of what it is, but a man doing it makes it so annoying. So stop sitting behind a computer all day and go interact with people to learn about the world, rather than reading about human behavior online and please try to avoid Chick lit. and i will like to add- The little attempt you made to sound funny and cool(while the girl speaks to her ex) was none of that. It sounded like something a total loser would say.

kandi_shop_xoxo 0

@triplemylife (i think thats what your name was?)- You say it's stupid to brag about getting laid on the internet, but then you go and brag about being "good" looking, and how you have no problems getting a girl or guy. (I don't know if I worded that correctly) But, isn't that the same thing that plexico did? Now, to the argument, Why not get a guy that is hot and funny? It's not hard. @OP- Why was your girlfriend talking to her ex about his balls? And why was your only concern that you don't make her laugh as much, and not her talking about her ex's testicles?

"flirting on the internet" go die. now. please.

kandi_shop_xoxo, Don't get me wrong -- I didn't mean to say I had "no problem" getting girls, but with humor, I've been able to do well if I put in a good amount of time and effort to win them over.

Haha, why undersell your looks online? If people love you this much just for your humor, imagine how worshiped you would be if they thought/knew you were attractive as well. If I ever saw you in person, I would faint. Remember, I can't handle the truth about how you look? It's your own words...

intoxicunt, it's always a good policy to underpromise and overdeliver. It gets MUCH better results than the other way 'round.


Plex- you're hilarious, these uptight tools clearly know nothing of humor. Toxi- you continue to be awesome. Triplefmylife- GDIAF, seriously. funnyduck-change your name, you aren't funny, nor are you a duck. OP, you're pathertic, for starters. this is NOT an FML. let's examine the first part. she IS your girlfriend, she WAS his. if you get the feeling you're a rebound, just get out now. secondly, if she doesn't laugh when you are having a conversation, you just aren't funny. or she doesn't find you funny. not the end of the world. next, why would you stand around and listen to them talking about his balls for A FRIGGIN HOUR?!?!?!?! I'm sure you could've spent your time better by slamming your head into a wall repeatedly, or finding another in the long list of constructive things to do for an hour. that's about all.

Man up and dump her. "Had to" - sure. You didn't have to listen to it.

You didn't have to do anything. But you're obviously a pussy for putting up with that, especially for an hour. Grow a pair and leave the bitch

Seriously - you may have thought they were laughing about his - but in the most important sense they were laughing about yours. *briiing briiing* .. that's your nuts calling - from your g/f's purse

satanstoystore 0

had to? things just happen to you i bet. like the weather. out of your influence. You have to apply yourself to the world. that includes people. she doesnt laugh by chance at the ex. he learned to make her laugh by what he DOES. manup, get off the pity pot and put your big boy pants on and DO something. like learning how to communicate to her.

I'll bet the ex was twice as funny as Lance Armstrong.

If that shows up twice, I'm sorry. I'm on a mobile device and it said it didn't go through.

Yeah, an hour is a longgg time! Poor dude!