Shine on

By owmyfoot - 24/02/2014 02:22 - United States - Sacramento

Today, while walking barefoot through my house, I saw something shine on the floor across the hallway. Curious as to what it was, I rubbed my foot across the carpet to feel it. It wasn't until it was deeply lodged in my foot did I realize it was an open safety pin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 670
You deserved it 40 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hey, there's a thin shiny thing on the floor, maybe if I step on it, I'll know what it is!" -OP

ZY1431 24

well thats just a safe thing to do...


I learned the hard way not to do that after having a dart hanging out of my foot when I was 3 and glass in my foot when I was about 9. :(

Use your hand next time. Sounds painful.

Silly OP. Every time I notice small shiny objects on the floor, I automatically assume it's a pin or a needle.

Why on earth did you use your feet to find out what it was? Was there something wrong with your eyes or were you just too lazy to bend down and look? YDI

The length people will go to to avoid bending down is astonishing...

conman531 23

keep up the bare feet. it's good for you. Your skin on your feet will become tougher as you put it through the elements. History shows that before shoes came about, people had healthier feet. I go barefoot as much as possible and now my feet are so tough I can walk on glass and it won't break skin. it does hurt a bit but I don't bleed

Good advice if not anecdotal, but how it it relevant?

conman531 23

It's good advice because if I did the same thing I would think I just stepped on a rock. Which hurts the normal person but doesn't break skin, and on my foot, a rock feels comfortable to walk on actually. I walk barefoot over stone driveways and hot black tops. And I wouldn't have too much of a fit after I step on a thumbtack, safety pin or pushpin.

Crouch down and take a look at it...plain and simple

sweetestbitcheva 14

Why would you rub your bare foot? Not so safe.