By Wounded_irony - 05/12/2017 05:00

Today, I was wearing flip flops whilst putting out the trash, and was careful not to step near the broken glass surrounding the trash cans. My mother ran up to me hysterically warning me about the glass, which startled me and caused me to step on a shard, slicing my foot open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 913
You deserved it 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, is there a reason no one has cleaned up the glass? Or is it just there to ward off unwanted trash divers?

Good thing she didn’t warn you about the land mines surrounding the trash cans!


oh, for crying out loud-I hope you're alright!

Good thing she didn’t warn you about the land mines surrounding the trash cans!

Next she'll scream the obvious fact that you just cut your foot open...

So, is there a reason no one has cleaned up the glass? Or is it just there to ward off unwanted trash divers?

did your foot fall off of your flip flop or how did this happen?

So why hasn't anyone cleaned up the glass? At least two people knew about it.

How small/thin are your flipflops that by stepping on a shard it slices your food? Should it even be called foot-protection at all if that's the case? Be that as it may, I find it hilarious how people react when glass breaks. Like I'm going to be doing barefoot river dance on the stuff or scoop it up using my forearms and keep it in my mouth while I look for a trash receptacle....