
By lying fuck! - 22/06/2020 14:02

Today, I walked into my husband's office and accidentally interrupted his business call to tell him dinner was ready. Silly me, I didn’t realize his "business call" included Skyping with his topless ex, with his pants down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 501
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

J15237 25

I hope that during his "business call" you informed him that dinner was ready and that tomorrow you will be filing for divorce. That is not okay at all.

Wow. That’s cruel of him to do that to you.


Wow. That’s cruel of him to do that to you.

He wasn't lying, it was a business call -- the "funny business," that is, or sometimes called "monkey business."

J15237 25

I hope that during his "business call" you informed him that dinner was ready and that tomorrow you will be filing for divorce. That is not okay at all.

Sgt.floppyweiner 2

you should **** someone else instead and call it a "business meeting" and then put it on pornhub

Douglas E Thompson Jr 5

Make sure you call your lawyer

FML is the website that convinces me every day that marriage is a huge mistake Not that anyone would want to marry me anyway.

Why didn't you say, " soon to be ex husnand...?"