Road trip

By Anonymous - 03/04/2024 15:00 - United Kingdom

Today, we drove six hours to get to our holiday cottage only to realise that my girlfriend had forgotten her suitcase. This put her in a bad mood, so she made ME drive six hours back to her flat to get it, then when I got there, I realised HER keys to HER FLAT were still in HER handbag six hours back at the cottage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 596
You deserved it 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who tf forgets their suitcase when going on holiday Are you sure you want to deal with this shit for the next X years?

You both need to work on your organizational skills, JFC.


Who tf forgets their suitcase when going on holiday Are you sure you want to deal with this shit for the next X years?

You both need to work on your organizational skills, JFC.

Seriously? Unless she gives you the biggest apology in the history of mankind, I would seriously be reconsidering the relationship.

No one can actually "make you" do anything you don't want to do unless they're threatening you somehow. So you agreed to drive 12 hours round trip, alone, to correct your girlfriend's mistake. I don't think I would do that for someone else, at least until the next day. I also wouldn't let someone else do it on my behalf if I had made the mistake. You need to do some hard thinking about a lot of things.

d j mom 8

I don't know a single woman that would forget their luggage let alone their handbag. she's either testing just how far she can control you, or setting you up for a breakup. rethink this relationship. please.

Unless it was medicine, whatever was in that suitcase could just be replaced from a store where you were staying. But seriously, how does one forget a suitcase when going on a trip?