By Anonymous - 27/11/2013 17:51 - United States - Poquoson

Today, I was visiting a family member at a women's prison. The staff wanted to search me, basically claiming that my breasts looked suspiciously disproportionate, implying I was smuggling something in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 393
You deserved it 4 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it is a prison and they DO have to be thorough and safe.

The real question is... Is OP a dude or a chick? Moobs alert!!


The real question is... Is OP a dude or a chick? Moobs alert!!

oj101 33

This reminds me of P*rnstache in Orange is the new Black

They don't have dudes in a women's prison...

27, most corrections officers are male, even in women's prisons. Side note, 1: trained COs hate being called guards.

I meant the guards would be female but i could be wrong

TheDrifter 23

Men's or women's prison, most screws are male. There are always some female officers on duty at a women's prison for the sensitive searches and such, but doors, patrols and walls are still mostly men.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

16- Did you really censor the word ****? That isn't even a curse word.

Well, it is a prison and they DO have to be thorough and safe.

Regardless of the ridiculous search, just be happy you got in to visit with them.

And just be happy they didn't see your crotch as being suspicious.

Take it as a compliment op, they probably wanted a better look of said breasts

Even if that was the case, sexual harassment should never be seen as a compliment.

This is sexual harassment? I mean, it is a prison and they do have to make sure everything is ok.

If they did it to get a better look at the boobs then yeah.

Something here seems a little... Off balance

I knew a woman who had an a cup left boob and a c cup right boob.