Today, I’m getting a very interesting demonstration of how genetics work: I have inherited all my dad’s health issues, plus those from my mom, plus a bunch of new ones that belong exclusively to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 977
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI!! Next time pick better parents from birth! Nah in all seriousness, hopefully your issues are minuscule or things like CRISPR take full affect and help you with your issues

Are you sure they were your dad's or your grandpa's? Was one of the disorders gonorrhea? Did you smash your face and pinch your finger? So much genetics these days!


YDI!! Next time pick better parents from birth! Nah in all seriousness, hopefully your issues are minuscule or things like CRISPR take full affect and help you with your issues

Are you sure they were your dad's or your grandpa's? Was one of the disorders gonorrhea? Did you smash your face and pinch your finger? So much genetics these days!

I know the feeling. I inherited a whole host of health issues from all over my family… so yeah it sucks