Strange domestic arrangement

By Mike - 24/05/2021 13:59

Today, because I wanted to let my cat have his breakfast before I used the bathroom, which is also his dining room, I learned that when your day starts with shitting your pants, things can only get better from there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 357
You deserved it 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you preferred to shit your pants rather than use your bathroom? wtf??

Ambrily 27

Is it really necessary that the cat eats in the bathroom, and alone?


So you preferred to shit your pants rather than use your bathroom? wtf??

Ambrily 27

Is it really necessary that the cat eats in the bathroom, and alone?

DoctorPALO 14

YDI. Plain and simple, the cat will survive until you use the bathroom.

You shouldn't make your cat eat in the bathroom, that's disgusting.

I cannot imagine ******** my pants while delicately waiting for my kitty to eat. I can only imagine ******** my pants if I am stuck in locked up traffic, etc!