Happy New Year, maybe

By boardAtTheHospital - 01/01/2022 05:00

Today, I'm home alone and it blows, especially since my wife has to stay at the hospital to get chemo, and I can't stay with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 304
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

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Sorry to hear that. My wife and I couldn’t stay with our youngest last week when he was hospitalized for pneumonia. Maybe your hospital has a program like mine, where we could give them an iPad (or tablet) and we could call it and leave it on the entire time. My entire family took turns “staying” with him.

Mylife 12

Send you and your wife, loving and healing energy. Always remember that you're never alone.


Sorry to hear that. On the plus side, wherever you are, the food is better!

Sorry to hear that. My wife and I couldn’t stay with our youngest last week when he was hospitalized for pneumonia. Maybe your hospital has a program like mine, where we could give them an iPad (or tablet) and we could call it and leave it on the entire time. My entire family took turns “staying” with him.

boardAtTheHospital 5

Yeah we stay on the phone once I leave the hospital till visiting hours come around again.

Sorry to hear you cannot be with your wife. I hope 2022 will see her recovery. Stay strong!

Mylife 12

Send you and your wife, loving and healing energy. Always remember that you're never alone.

My girlfriend has cancer right now. I know the pain.

My girlfriend has cancer right now. I’m sorry to hear you couldn’t be there.

I'm so sorry you can't be there. I had surgery a year and a half ago, my overnight stay ended up being three nights, and I wasn't allowed visitors. So I sort of have a sense of what she's going through. It's not easy going through medical procedures alone. I hope your wife recovers fully.