Cover up

By Anonymous - 12/12/2023 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband and my sister have never gotten along, always slinging insults, getting in screaming matches, even getting in physical fights on two occasions. Well apparently it’s all been one massive act to cover up the fact they’ve been fucking behind my back for 7 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 701
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slapstick1982 20

Yikes - sounds more like hate *******

arimylove1 8

Thats how you should have known. They were acting way too invested.


slapstick1982 20

Yikes - sounds more like hate *******

arimylove1 8

Thats how you should have known. They were acting way too invested.

OniKudaki 6

You gotta admire their commitment.

Were you homeschooled, or did you just miss every instance ever where the boys bullied the girls they liked because back then talking to girls was "gay"?