
By Anonymous - 14/10/2009 17:01 - United States

Today, I had to take a dump. While looking for a book to read, I sneezed. The force of the sneeze caused me to shit my pants. The glob of dung then ran down my leg before falling out of my shorts onto my carpet, all in less than 5 seconds. Nothing in my life has prepared me for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 98 105
You deserved it 16 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chop_buster 0

Hahaha, I'm an annoying twerp and shit.

LOL xD the wording of this makes it even better.


NELU_fml 0

To all the idiots asking about the underware, have u ever seen kids potty training and screw up. yeah, it doesn't always stay in.... op, that was halirious!

Clever_Sleazoid 0
hitmanca07 0

no shit, what a small world it is!!!!! i thought the exact same thing as all of you folks posting on this. so i linked it to facebook, and it turns out i know the OP!!!!!!! i definitely believe he deserves an award for this post, it made me cry laughing, when i was in a shitty mood at work. **no pun intended

the last sentence almost made me cry (with laughter)

LMFAO. Haha, omg I was rofling at that xD

omg omg.. i tried sooo hard to feel bad but its just too hilariouss i cant stop laughing XDDDD!!!

katie_annex3 0

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.