Pretend it's snowing

By babypenguin00 - 29/08/2015 19:20 - United States - Newark

Today, marks the third girlfriend in a row that has broken up with me for my terrible dandruff. I can't control it as I was born with psoriasis. All three girls called me pathetic for "making up" a disease to try to get them to stay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 315
You deserved it 1 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DMA0712 22

If they aren't going to accept you just because of something you were born with, and then accuse you of lying about it, you're better off without them. Chin up OP, you'll find better.

Wizardo 33

If you see a dermatologist they can hopefully gibe you medicine to help control the condition. In the meantime, I recommend using Neutrogena T/Gel, they have a specific one that caters to helping with psoriasis!


They're idiots. Don't worry OP, you'll find someone worth it!

The way I see it, if they lack the mental acuity to look up a disorder online, then you're better off without them, mate! If I were you, I'd have thrown a handful at her and told her to keep it as a memento.

bibble27 9

OP you need a new type. Hopefully girl number four knows what Psoriasis is. But girls 1-3 missed out! Follow up please!

DMA0712 22

If they aren't going to accept you just because of something you were born with, and then accuse you of lying about it, you're better off without them. Chin up OP, you'll find better.

Exactly. I can't understand how some girls can be so mean. One day you'll find a girl who understands op, don't let them get to you because if they acted like that you may have dodged a few bullets.

michaelaranda 28

This might be a little of ops fault too. He shouldve explained this the first time they slept over. My cousin had ibs and he gave warning to every girl he dated, and they were all very understanding. I have the same disease op, psoriasis, not ibs , and my second girlfriend broke up with me because of this problem. Ive since explained it to every girl whenever it was appropriate, not necessarily the first date, and every girl since is understanding and accommodating. Still ****** up that she broke up with you cause of this though, and i know exactly how it feels having gone through this exact thing myself. Go out with nicer girls and tell them about your problem when it's necessary. Still sucks though op.

michaelaranda 28

Also, go to a dermatologist. They can properly evaluate your condition and the severity. They will give you the best advice on how to deal with it. Not all the shampoos or creams work for everyone, and they're too expensive to just try and see if they work.

Good riddance. Better off without them

alee38410 5

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JustinJK 21

Playing devils advocate here. I can't stand dandruff it grosses me out like bad teeth. But if I were to break up with someone over it, I wouldn't be as stupid as the ex gfs to say that he has a made up disease. However I wouldn't even go into the relationship. If it bothers them that much that made them break up, it would've probably bothered them in the beginning too.

Wizardo 33

If you see a dermatologist they can hopefully gibe you medicine to help control the condition. In the meantime, I recommend using Neutrogena T/Gel, they have a specific one that caters to helping with psoriasis!

WD_Stevens 22

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Wizardo 33

But I honestly recommend the shampoo because I personally use it. Doesn't hurt to try something that may help.

I second T Gel. Or any generic version. It had coal tar in it, which is fantastic for psoriasis. It works as a body gel, too, and helps with itching. Just be sure you let it sit a few minutes like the directions say.

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mix tea tree oil in with your shampoo, lather it on then leave it as a sort of mask for 5-10 mins whilst you do other shower things then rinse off. it helps

Coconut oil is a great natural moisturizer too. A few drops in your conditioner will help a lot. I've found natural products actually work wonders for extremely bad dandruff as well. Good luck OP!

Coconut oil is amazing for everything! Another thing to try is apple cider vinegar. Apply in the shower, let sit for a few minutes, rinse. Your head will not smell like vinegar as long as you rinse well. Promise. :)

T/Gel plus Clobex and Dermazinc is what it takes to keep my scalp under control. Every Psoriasis patient responds differently, so you have to try and find what works for you. oils, milk baths, oatmeal rubs, steroids, high doses of vitamins D

Soverain 15

All three of them are clearly stupid. Chin up OP, you'll find someone who loves and accepts who you are some day.

Omfgitsmia 15

Those girls are idiots. However, they do have treatments to manage it. Waking up in a bed full of dandruff is gross no matter the case. I could see if you had something that couldn't be treated.

Ignorant bitches... You deserve better. Like someone educated, for instance.

Wow, what a bunch of jerks. Dumped for having dandruff? Really? That's a horrible excuse to dump someone for. Sorry, OP. Good luck controlling it, and maybe you can give them a piece of your mind.

You obviously need to start dating smarter women who realize psoriasis is a legit autoimmune disease. However, you should probably also see a dermatologist for it if you haven't already so you can at least manage the dandruff.