
By assgoblins piss me off - 06/05/2014 20:52 - Canada - Camrose

Today, I turned in my best painting yet for a scholarship competition. For once in my life, I was actually proud of a piece I'd done. I ended up losing the scholarship to some dickface who'd basically just glued together some crap from the dollar store and called it conceptual art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 206
You deserved it 5 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eaglerob 20

Maybe next time finger paint a few stick figures and glue on some macaroni? ;)


Master_gunyer 5

I can completely relate sadly enough.. I poured my heart and soul into a piece and my prof hated it. I threw a piece of clay on the ground and she thought it was brilliant....

Especially since the guy was from Canada, #62, amirite?

I'm sorry OP, I know how it feels to finally be proud of a painting for once. Not too long ago I painted a badass zebra and felt that it was perfect. First time I had felt like that about one of my many paintings. But let's get back to the point here, I would like to know what you painted and submitted? And did you lose all together or did you just lose to him by second place or something?

Damnit. Ran out of time to edit. Well anyways it's not cool of you to criticize someone else's artwork just because you didn't get the winning name over them. That's kinda a dick move, just saying... Not everyone likes the same things, I keep that in mind all the time because my main focus is animals or landscape. Not everyone likes that so I only show those pieces to people I know will. Or if I feel cocky enough.

cryssycakesx3 22

who's to say the other guy didn't do anything? the sore loser that called him a dickface?

I'm sorry you lost, but you don't need to be an ass about it. You don't know how much thought he put into it so don't just judge him like that. Maybe his message was just that awesome.

Art competition... That doesn't make sense. Art is an individual experience, not everyone will see something the same or have the same opinion of it.