Ruined art

By annie - 17/11/2020 00:08 - United States - Denver

Today, while sitting on a bench drawing, some guy went up to me, yelled, “YOUR ART SUCKS” and flipped my sketchpad out of my hands. I’d been working on that piece for hours and now there’s a big black pencil streak on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 423
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Guessing it was an 18-25 year old male, drinking his way through college, right? Yeah, dumbest creatures on the planet, so I wouldn't worry about his opinion too much anyway.


Was it one of my relatives? Some girls are into BBP. There's an esoteric technology for removing unwanted pencil marks. It's called an eraser. If the office supply store guy pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about, just wink and say "I want a rubber."

tounces7 27

Guessing it was an 18-25 year old male, drinking his way through college, right? Yeah, dumbest creatures on the planet, so I wouldn't worry about his opinion too much anyway.

YangYangChenChen 6

I'm really feel sorry for you.

That's assault in many states and in Florida you could kill him justifiable at the time.